E.T's Bicycle


Pitot tubes are used for airspeed measurements. Maybe you're referring to AirFrance flight 447 where the pitot tubes froze, the autopilot lost speed input as a consequence and shut down. The pilots, being caught off-guard, kept flying with a too steep angle of attack and eventually stalled the plane.

Or how about they just charge you a regular price and you get to choose to donate, and whom to donate to?

They even have these fancy deals at airports now, so you don't have to do the annoying low-water-pressure tilt & wait.

Most airports (all?) have upgraded their fountains or they have installed specific stations for this very purpose.

Take an empty water bottle or two and fill them at a water fountain after the TSA checkpoint. Problem solved. As for the bar, I will pay the grossly inflated alcohol prices because I'm an airport junkie and like drinking at the airport. I'll get a longer layover just so I can sit and sip my expensive beer. Hell, beers

First World Problems, I guess. The 1440 and 1366 screens are still fine.

Daylight Saving. Not savings. Saving.

Scientists are only given information they're allowed to know about.

source? Or did you pull that out your ass like everything else?

At what point is buying a Tesla no longer an early adopter action? They've been around for a while now, got to be getting close.

It's actually a requirement for making space available in center console area for police equipment. That was the reason given when I worked on the Charger project.

Sigh. This is ridiculous. Nobody's trying to spy on you; you are not that important.

Not sure how that would help if the case is never taken to a jury. Certainly this one never will be, it can only go up to the S.C. - and only if they decide to take it.

This may come as a complete shock - and I am betting it does - but the law doesn't give a tinker's damn about your "feelings". If you contact a public official that correspondence becomes a record, and is subject to all the applicable laws surrounding it. Period. End of Story. Full stop. Etiquette has precisely,

by opening the engine cover