
“ What happened when we got the wheel? That’s right we expanded beyond all reason.”

Wait wait wait! Before you reply, I just want you to know that I’m gonna bag a beautiful bison with my 45-70, just for your palefaced, self-loathing ass! I’m gonna name it Wes - a great Cherokee name ;-)

But you’re so sexy! Hey, I’m Cherokee, too! My source is “The American Pageant” by David Kennedy and Lizabeth Cohen. It’s prescribed for your late American history credits for most college freshmen. It’s not Wikipedia, which is the sole source of knowledge for all Internet history degree-holders, but it should do.

Hey, sugar. There are half a million healthy bison in North America due to private heard protection, alone. I eat bison monthly. And btw, it was the natives, not the European immigrants, who nearly eradicated the bison - we just gave them the rifles. Turn off Disney’s “Pocahontas” and pick up any number of American

This whole concept used to be known mostly as Hints from Heloise.

Also there is this lever on the side of the steering wheel that actually makes a device on the back of your car blink lights indicating that you have intention to change lanes or turn, not many people around my area know this but it is true...

I love “food hacks”. Uhh, you mean “recipes”?

Hack-hack: start calling them tips instead, and save a character every time you type.

Why, oh, why does every little tip has to be called a hack these days?

I hate being the wet blanket on all of this, because I grew up on Star Trek, and Heinlein, and Space: 1999, so for most of my life I’ve just taken it for granted that we should have been buying vacation excursions to the moon and Mars by now.

you think one of the 31 white people who live in philly stole his head??