
Because they enjoy it and it’s fun. Why is that so hard to understand? Supply and demand dictates the low salary. However sports team make enough money that they can afford to pay better. And they should. If for no other reason than bragging rights.

To be fair it’s only the 47% of Americans that are terrible. Which BTW is more than double the populations of Germany and Canada combined. Throw in another 10 million illegals to that 47%. Now if we could get commit a little mass genocide like Germany maybe we could get rid of the undesirables.

If your reason for having the nuke is to bring Armageddon then your own survivability isn’t part of the equation.

They left out the part where life spontaneously evolved from rock.

It’s not a question of what the climate did in the past that’s debatable. What the climate does in the future is though, and the influence of cow farts and Al Gore’s jet flumes have no provable influence on what the future holds. In forty years the “scientists” have gone from “cooling” to “warming” to “change”. Who

Wait, Americans came to America from where? America?

Human lives matter!

“Hack” is a computing term. “Tip” is not. Peeling a banana from the bottom is neither a “hack” nor a “tip”. It is what is more properly called “asinine”.

Please yes! Nothing worse than the other driver not being decisive. Go or don’t go. If you have the right of way I am going to give it to you. Don’t stop and try to wave me at me. None times out of ten I can’t see you in your car and I’m wondering what the hell you’re doing. And use your turn signals!

To quote a retired Florida State Trooper if you are getting passed on the right then YOU are in the wrong lane.