
It was all inside the walls so they would have had to tear into the house to see it... which they didn’t do until the cockroach civilization took hold, I guess out of an ironic hope of doing less damage to the house. From what I understand from my dad, people are less inclined to do bee removals in our area because we

What was amazing was that they had no idea this was going on. They had a roach scurry across the floor here and there, but no more than was usual for living in a tropical, coastal climate in a rural place. Those roaches really had their own little self-contained habitat until it was breached.

Oh man, I was just telling this story on another website this week ironically enough.

My therapist seemed like a really nice lady until I realized she had several copies of The Secret on her shelf. We had to break up.

It’s different depending on the size of the outfit, and may be called something else (I’ve also seen information specialist), but down where I am in the South generally something like communications specialist/communications manager. I narrowed my focus to higher ed/nonprofits/government agency and decided to leverage

My new boss makes fun of me sometimes because my first day she came in and asked me if I liked my desk chair and brought a bunch of new, nice office chairs for me to test out and even offered to order me a new one if I didn’t like any of those, and I was just really confused and overwhelmed because I’d spent my entire

Be careful about it... some places, despite paying garbage, see it as a conflict of interest for a staff writer to freelance for another publication. Small papers can be particularly bad about news writing slavery. You should surrender every bit of column inch to them!!

Fuck ‘em dude. I left journalism after seven years. It sucked. I worked in a newsroom that was in constant turmoil due to the company being sold multiple times, overtime was constant due to understaffing and regular staff turnover. People like me who had stayed in the newsroom long term were constantly bitching and

At first I thought it might have been total satire cause of the ridiculously precious author name that almost sounds made up — Juniper Fitzgerald — but she has a Twitter and is SO AMUSED that everyone hates this.

All the stars for you!

We would have... so it was more like a crazy lady friend who had been delusionally in love with this guy forever who decided to get on the mic and tell everyone at his memorial service that she should have had his child. I did not know any of these people and it was still so awkward that me and my coworkers talked

Haha. My coworker/friend used to be in a band and they played pretty infrequently so it was a big thing when they did have a show and we’d all toodle out to support them. One night they played a memorial/show for a musician friend of theirs who had passed away that was kind of like a celebration of life/raise money

They’re great! I do a ModCloth splurge every now and then because of their nice plus-sized section, and any time I’ve had issues with returns or even had weird stuff happen in shipping (once they included a Woolite sample in my package that exploded on everything in transit) they’ve always gotten back with me really

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Galliano, LA., if you ever want to make a pilgrimage. :) It’s about two hours outside of New Orleans deep in Cajun Catholic country.

My boyfriend’s grandma died of dementia about a year after we started dating. We had been dating long enough that I wanted to join him at the funeral, but not long enough that I’d spent a lot of time with his extended family. They are CATHOLIC with a capital C and boyfriend and I are non-religious. I had been raised

A lot of new people flooded into the city after the storm so that housing that was available went up in price. Then, it became super cool to live in New Orleans as the city rebuilt and got a lot of media attention (and Hollywood started working out of the city) and waves of new people started moving there, driving up

It’s terrible. My kitty will get a huge clinger on her butt and try to butt scoot it off frantically on the carpet (nooooooo!) but if *I* get near her butt it’s like, “Oh hell no, what do you think you’re doing back there you perverted woman!” She’ll clamp her tail down and fight me like crazy. I guess I’d feel the

Now playing

Cats will tell you when they don’t want a bath:

Nah. They clean themselves. But they get into shit sometimes. I have a fluffy cat who is a “lazy groomer” as my vet likes to affectionately say. She will sometimes get a dingleberry or two and have to give her a butt washing. Washing your unwilling cat’s asshole is an awesome experience, if you’ve never tried it.

Totally thought there was going to be a cross in the bag. My ex left the church and his mama was always leaving us “gifts” of conversion books and religious paraphernalia. When we moved in together she slipped rosaries into all the boxes with his stuff. When we finally broke up, she said she hadn’t felt it her place