
Man, I posted further down about the same thing. I like to rewrite popular songs to make them about my cats and sing them at the top of my lungs (I also have a few originals). My favorite is a song I call "The Teaches of Meaches" about my cat Meachie set to "Fuck the Pain Away" by Peaches. My boyfriend thinks it's

I rewrite popular songs as songs about my cats and sing them to them constantly. My favorite is a song for my cat called Meachie set to the tune of "Fuck the Pain Away" by Peaches that goes:

Now we're speaking my language. I'm not single these days, but when my boyfriend goes out of town I looooove to get a pizza and eat a ton of it over the course of the night while drinking cocktails and not having to worry about saving an equal amount of it for him.

I was recently interviewing for jobs and my parents were bewildered that I didn't have a suit. I'm 31 and I've never interviewed in a suit. I got my latest job at a major research institute interviewing in a cotton dress, simple jewelry, a cardigan and flats. My mom was completely bewildered.

OMG. I burned through all of Joe Hill's books, Locke and Key, and then made my boyfriend read all of them so I could relive them. I was just complaining the other day that I NEED him to write something else.

Yeah, I was gonna say. I used to work at a public university in the south that I shall not name as a public relations person. I almost shit my britches one year because the student union, which had their own marketing/PR person, sent out a campus wide email advertising a black history luncheon with a pretty similar

Sweet Jesus. A rat is way worse than a tree frog. I might not be peeing in toilets today if I'd seen a rat in there.

I used to make individual "beds" of clothes and blankets and sheets on the floor for all of my dolls and stuffed animals that didn't get to sleep in bed with me. They all had to be tucked in before I'd go to bed myself. Irritated the heck out of my folks.

I was a really high strung kid and had a lot of weird, macabre phobias, like I went through a phase where I was convinced the house was going to burn down and I would refuse to go to sleep because I didn't want to die in a fire, and watched some stupid horror movie about monsters in the sewer system one time so I got

It was definitely ballsy but part of me wishes I'd have been more honest with my parents. It was kinda dumb to fly five hours away to meet a dude I didn't really know with almost no money and no plan but I was one of those teenagers who thought I was way smarter than all the adults in my life, and chafed because my

Sorry I disappointed you internet stranger! And yes, I grew up three hours from the Mexican border so lots of teenagers drove down there to drink.

Apparently a lot of Texans and Canadians fall in internet love.

Haha. I'm not sure if I want to know if anyone on here knew my internet boyfriend from more than a decade ago. But his name is James.

Haha. I went to a bunch of these "college experience" programs and I completely understand. It was a good time to be weird.

For real dude. That was the only time I ever saw my dad kinda cry, other than when his father died, and it kind of haunts me to this day. It was awful.

At 18 I left the country for the week and told my parents I was staying with friends a couple of hours away because I was a dumb asshole teenager.

I hear you. I'm actually in a similar boat (I'm 31) and I've compulsively picked at my skin since I was a kid. My parents tried everything to get me to stop — rewards, punishments, even putting mittens on my hands at night so I couldn't do it unconsiously while I was in bed. Didn't work. Now I'm just an adult with a

Yeah. I've worked at public universities in Texas and Louisiana and they are treated like departments of the state (and University of Oklahoma is a flagship state university so I assume its the same) so their offices are subject to FOIA laws just like the government. The contracts, communications, and etc. that go on

I get it. I mean, working for a university that runs events, a lot of that hospitality is a given anyway. We always provided meals, water, sodas, coffee, snacks, gift baskets, etc. for distinguished visitors without being asked, and people often have specific requests in their contract... I get that a tour rider just

That's an interesting question. I information that can be classified as trade secrets or financial information that could harm a company's competitiveness can be shielded, but I don't know if that could be argued to apply to a tour rider or not. (Former university PIO here, not a lawyer.)