Kurt Stillwell
Kurt Stillwell
Herm Winningham
are you under the impression that not doing the daughter’s hair isn’t balanced out by another parenting activity?
considering there is a .00001% chance that my wife would not undo the braids i made and redo it herself, i’ll go ahead and pass on this.
i find it hilarious and sad that the governor can’t just get a couple of state employees to yank the damn thing down.
sorry, hit the jackpot this year:
everyone knows the weak link (or girl in co-ed) is relegated to RF, all other outfield spots are important.
jeez, buy a new damn suitcase. decent huge ones are like $60 at tj maxx
The Fast and the Furious was basically a way to remake Point Break with fast cars with no rights issues to worry about.
1a - Bill
counterpoint - I’m a conservative and have the intellectual wherewithal to understand that anyone who denies climate change is a soulless lackey, has been living under a rock and therefore unfamiliar with the term, and/or a god damn idiot.
here’s another stereotype - professionally underqualified daughter of the foundation’s founders hired as vice chairman.
imagine it was a typo that Outlook (or whatever) didn’t catch because it’s an actual word.
Antowain Smith
Derrick Fenner
i don’t really take much issue with most of this (save for the whole receipt thing - comes off as tacky), it’s just too damn verbose. most parents are probably in the same boat with having too many fn children books and recommending/coordinating gifts for really young kids can be a pain
well, they’re friends with her on facebook. and after 30 more seconds of research she taught at the same school with one of my friends and volunteered with the same organization as both. so i’m pretty comfortable with making that association. but feel free to continue the debate.
though i don’t know Rebecca Johnson, two of my friends are friends with her. considering this specific circle they all likely run in (they live in Atlanta, imagine she did at some point as well), leveraging the Masters for a husband would be the least surprising blog topic i can think of.