but it does. it essentially shares the same ingredients for soap as every other mass-produced bar on the market (obviously stuff like Meyers is in a different class). i'm not sure why this would even be arguable.
but it does. it essentially shares the same ingredients for soap as every other mass-produced bar on the market (obviously stuff like Meyers is in a different class). i'm not sure why this would even be arguable.
actually, Dove contains a variety of soap ingredients - probably the same ones you're using right now
yes, toyota and honda dealerships nationwide are being overrun by consumers asking when they’re going to start offering up a HEMI of their own
yeah, that’s the point. they could offer up half a dozen variations of the same high MPG vehicle as different “models” and artificially boost the average. it’s really not that difficult to comprehend.
so there should be no incentive/penalty for the manufacturers to actually sell higher MPG vehicles and actually solve the problem?
i think the point of being in the middle class is that one should be able to periodically (not specifically regularly) take a vacation or sock away some money for retirement and/or college.
we've tried a variety of scratching post - none of them took. so we trim her nails no more than every 2 weeks; it seems to lessen her urge to do it and keeps the destruction to a minimum.
based on my experiences (i’m a dude, FYI), i’ve found this to be pretty consistent with female bosses as well. i’ve had my share of bosses of both gender, and female bosses have more social conversations with female underlings and male bosses have more social conversations with male underlings. of course this all goes…
would it be a matter of increased OnStar revenue? i imagine LTE is quite the carrot for people to keep their subscription active.
Feel free to skip dessert.
as a previous LeBaron owner, I'd like to say a ravine is probably the best place for one.
at my previous house, one of the neighbors owned a PT Cruiser, a late model VW Bug, and whatever that big boxy Scion is. the driveway looked ridiculous.
soap actually breaks down oily substances and causes it to mix with water, allowing for it to be better washed off.
i have no idea what you're talking about with outgrowing changing tables. my kids are both 95%+ in height and each used (is using) past their 2nd birthday.
huh, lotta saintly women that have had to endure the misery of proposals from longtime companions with whom they lived.
occasionally i enjoy a nice cold glass of chocolate milk and actual milk in hot chocolate. therefore, you are dumb and i will ignore you.
give me a 64 page book that takes 3 minutes to read any day
so he's basically feeling and handling this like every other parent of two toddlers/infants when the spouse leaves town.
he made the Pro Bowl in 2011