
these are all well and good, but mine involves Club Nouveau's version of Lean on Me and goddammit you can go fuck yourself for making me remember that.

as a kid, used to go to Strikers games in their heyday...crazy to think nowadays that you could get a Nene Cubillas for the NASL.

I heard they also stopped staging Glengarry Glen Ross since not enough students ended up selling Chicago real estate.

I'm not going to go searching out bed-and-breakfasts when planting my ass on a beach, but I most certainly will when going to a place like Savannah where you actually want to get out and do stuff. In places like that, they tend to be less expensive than moderately-tiered hotels and have actual character. And they are

tell me about what you would do differently....

here's what i do at work when i end up dealing with a rude and/or obstructive person - i deal with someone else. between both teams there are 100+ players and coaches they can talk to. additionally, they fully know they're not going to get anything out of lynch. why knowingly waste their time and energy?

When can we expect the MadTV pamphlet?

would now be a good time to declare that any wrapping paper manufacturer that fails to print the gridlines on the back should be burned to the ground?

look at it this way - over time the state brings in more revenue from dirtbags than it pays out to them.

i'm a bigot for thinking people who are OK with slavery are idiots.

our fraternity worked the Daytona 500 selling beers in the stands way back when. deal was you'd keep whatever profit you make (which is obviously less than what the race would make on the hyper-marked up cans). which meant that once we calculated the appropriate threshold, we'd quit and apply the profits to the beers

Step 1. If it's Thanksgiving and your departing flight, calmly get a refund and proceed home. Drop off your luggage and head to the nearest watering hole. There's a better holiday like 4 weeks later.

i mean, does anybody care about how johnny depp acted at an awards show? i think most people assume that would be that only state in which he would agree to be involved with one.

make people go batshit crazy and send them to Vegas

at first i misread the headline as stating Montell Williams, and thought how incomprehensible and utterly devastating it must be to lose something so close to one's heart.

'Septicemia will set in and the snake will die. If you feed a snake road kill in captivity, they have a much higher chance of survival, because they can keep warm and allow the food to digest.'

good, considering the availability to resources other shows can only dream about, Mike and Mike is an absolute pile of garbage.

i like to throw a few slabs of Hershey's Symphony bars into the middle of brownie batter

as a parent of 2 under the age of 4, i have no idea what your point is by posting this 97-second clip.