Chicky Chicky Cago
Chicky Chicky Cago
because the NCAA is hands down the best league for a player to prepare for the NBA. at least until the NBA creates a legitimate and comprehensive minor league (spoiler - they never will).
i think most would assume that a misogynist would have no misgivings about cheating on his wife.
i'm not convinced the unevenness of the toasting would be satisfactory to my tastes.
are you kidding? they're going to be ecstatic that someone defending the gays will be killed and going to hell.
you can pry the Press'n Seal out of my cold, dead hands.
/taking notes
Asheville, NC...nice little downtown scene with plenty of restaurants and shopping, a number of breweries, the Biltmore (which could last you an entire weekend depending on your interests), and plenty of outdoor activities. Additionally it's pretty budget friendly and whether you want to stay in a cabin or hotel…
I would say you're in the vast minority (as far as B2B is concerned). If you polled a variety of decision makers, I would assume an overwhelming majority would state they (or their reports) don't have the time nor resources to properly investigate and research new products/solutions without being contacted by vendors.
well, that's sort of the point. servers highly dependent on tips can get nailed short term in addition to the long term. and even if they're the most courteous mofos in the tri-state area they're still at the whim of customer after customer after customer on how much they'll get paid.
3. Stop being shitheads to new and casual fans
and all i'm saying is that you and i have the luxury of having a shitty day with minimal impact to our paycheck because our respective industries haven't burdened customers with being the primary/direct provider and decision maker of an employee's wages.
but the service industry exists - because you and me and everyone else demands it. and nobody is expecting you to fix it, just understand that your ire in not tipping is directed at those who are playing the game (just like us customers) and not at those who created it.
not that there isn't some merit to what you're saying, but if you have a bad day at the office do you still take home a wage that would pay more than $2.13/hour?
Lifesaver? Lemonhead?
it sucks that the pageant didn't address this until it was basically too late, but if they didn't take away the title she wouldn't have been allowed to compete in Miss America due to the same age guidelines.
well, the question was specifically a follow-up from a comment that Barra previously made herself. sure, the question that prompted Barra's comment initially probably shouldn't have been asked but let's not put all of this on Lauer.