Damn, and to think that if the acquisition actually happened we would have had the incredible opportunity to have never heard of ESPN The Magazine.
Damn, and to think that if the acquisition actually happened we would have had the incredible opportunity to have never heard of ESPN The Magazine.
you seem angry.
it's a tool to transfer wealth to the people*
Foreigners think that every place in Florida (save for Epcot) is on a tropical beach and everyone who lives in Texas is a rancher. It's not America.
so, where was Jezebel's "Happy Mother's Day, Dad!" column?!?!?!
1. never said "we're pregnant" - it just sounds creepy.
If you're interested in a poster and/or art book featuring the designs
while it makes no difference to me personally, i think there is a bit of a disconnect when the hashtag for what are primarily specifically personal anecdotes is "yesallwomen"
so quick question regarding the players' kids - if they're so young that they need to be in a day care rather than in the stands, why are they at a game with a local 8pm tip-off to begin with? pay your nanny time-and-a-half to hang out while they sleep at home.
considering how airplanes are configured to squeeze in as many seats as possible these days, perhaps he should direct his ire to Delta about this and not who they hire.
gotta love the nicely executed "hands clasped behind the head while walking away in frustration" move
i was using minidisc until 2008
i guess it's a great solution for the interstate when it's not too hot, there is nobody else in the car, and you have no interest in listening to the radio.
for parents using formula, you basically make your membership back in less than a month with their private label formula and wipes.
while clearly not 100%, there is an extremely strong correlation between genitalia and gender.
so nothing to counter my claim or further substantiate yours? sorry i've only gone through like 200 of the 600+ available comments.
i haven't read most of the comments, but the ones i have deal with points of procedure and process. it's hardly defending the guy.