
goddamn i loved my s chassis 200sx. i'm convinced i'll never find a mass-market car that is more fun to drive.

so they can change him!

I would disagree re. TP depending on timing - it's about 50/50 they'll have an in-store rebate running on the good stuff like Charmin. Also, dishwasher detergent can be a good deal if you go with Finish or Cascade (there's usually a rebate on one or the other).

yup, with 2 kids we probably saved $1200 on formula alone. but we like pampers and costco doesn't sell them.

would now be a good time to throw out the fact that the minimum being only 2 years is ridiculous as well?

one tip i would throw out is that if you prefer to thaw meat in a cold water bath (like myself), try to remove all the excess packaging (like the styrofoam tray and that plastic liner thing stores use) and separate the food (like chicken breasts). failure to do so will either add exponential time to the defrost or it

that's fair, i'm not a typical target (and if i am, the other person has no idea what the f they are doing) so that side of the coin is unfamiliar. personally i've only used InMail no more than 5 times - it really should be a last resort or if there is some extremely specific and tangible reason to do so using the LI

well, sure, but the same has happened for decades and will continue to do so regardless of the platform/resource used.

if you're in sales or and not leveraging LinkedIn as a prospecting and engagement resource, you're really missing the boat. it's not perfect for generation, but clearly the company/employee info and updates are more accurate and timely than what you'll get from a 3rd party provider. i'm sure it bugs some people to be


personally i think it's a great long term investment for the specific purpose of securing housing and potentially reducing living costs in 15-30 years. the fact that home returns barely outpace inflation reinforces that, and you may as well buy a bunch of scratch-offs if you're hoping for more.

we've crunched the numbers a few times and i just can't justify it for the cost savings. right now we have a Comcast bundle that includes everything (channels, DVR, HD boxes) for multiple rooms. we certainly don't need it all, but after multiple calls to multiple employees i can't find a lesser package that would cost


haha, nice

Another nonsensical post on the subject. Tebow being injured when passing is a great example of how he will continually be injured because he plays like a fullback. Maybe you should actually observe how he gets hit when running with the ball vs. how he (and every other QB in organized football) gets hit in the pocket


12. Katie Baker, "Mailbag for Those Who Find Simmons' Too Edgy and Masculine"

great take on a split-second photo of a conversation that was actually much longer than the usual post-game QB meet-up. superb analysis.


ha ha!