
Gears of war was nonsense? Both UT and Gears are great games.

It's because Facing Worlds is the only truly symmetrical, yet simple map in the game. Even the 2K3/4 and UT3 "evolutions" failed in this respect by complicating the maps too much in order to allow campers instead of open conflict at the flag.

lol...silly console FPS players...

I love me some facing world's. As much credit as UT gets for its contribution to the fps genre, its capture-the-flag maps are rarely ever mentioned. Great article!

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It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.

Hopefully Deadspin follows up with this guy. And I hope everyone else can somehow pick up the shattered peices of their lives after having to read something in all caps. I know somehow we'll overcome this. We are the greatest generation.

I actually happened to be in Florence two years ago during one of these matches, and it was one of the craziest things I've ever seen. We tried to scalp tickets, but the prices were outrageous, so we watched it at one of the many pubs broadcasting the match. It seemed to me that scoring points was a secondary

Today I learned 2 important things about viewing an ice berg up close.

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sometimes you have no choice but to yolo it out

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Would you want to chance it? Also, iceberg tsunamis are no joke:

in the absence of any pix to make sense of this story, i bring you this Pulitzer prize

In acting parlance this is known as a "double gesture," and it is considered bad form. Say it or show it. Doing both is redundant, hense, derp.

☐ not rekt ☑ rekt

cool. Well when the tables turn and it would be beneficial to her (and help ease her in some way in the relationship) for him to do some things, that she doesn't get mad when he gives the same exact excuses.

He's being a huge dickhead, but if she is getting home at 4pm every day, her workload can't be TOO overwhelming. Unless she starts her client-facing job at 5:30 AM, like a coal miner or something.

or she just is so wrapped up in her work and working out that she ignores him, which is also a pretty real possibility based on her own words. She says in her own post that she thinks little sex is normal and fine, and admits that it has been that way for some months. The only thing out of left field is the actual

This is was one the best io9 articles I have read. Especially because it's not as easy to write as mentioning a new scientific study or that some pig is getting popular for saving a baby goat from drowning. Congratulations to the author.

I'd say the design really has to depend on the game's setting. In the case of Metro 2033 the design makes sense just because there are so few resources to make new bullets. In the case of Deus Ex, that's just effing ridiculous, especially if EVERYONE is carrying SMGs and ammunition for them. There are simple game

psh, I wish I could be a "wimp" that bails out after getting stuck on one part for 2 hours, but he hit the nail on the head describing people who don't because I just think "Fuck you game! You aren't going to beat me!!" Even though that is really stupid.

Not many people know this, but Link's Awakening had the best story of any Zelda game ever.