This particular post is the voice of reason for this entire article.
I once got blasted in the eyes with a special dry rub I put on baby back ribs...corneal ulcers in both eyes. It was some of the most intense pain I've ever experienced. I can't fathom how this could happen, unless it was fear that kept her away from a doctor.
I can do without a manual—never read them anyway—but I remember they days of the Quick Reference card. You oughta try Homeworld. Great game, but without the QR card that came in the box, you'll be lost. The early missions are tutorials but there are a lot of quick keys and shortcuts they don't cover. I'm trying to…
They really should bring back the difficulty of the 'boss' assassinations. That's the reason I really liked the first AC. Some of the assassinations later in the game were actually kind of hard. The Hospitalier Garnier deNaplouse assassination when you were inside the hospital/asylum with all the crazies flailing…
No I got you. I thing the pitch probably was intentional. Muchado really needs to check his ego at the door though. He's a very good player, but he's also very brash with a hot temper. That behavior isn't going to get him anywhere. Remember John Rocker? Rocker just ran his mouth. Muchado used his bat as a…
Well, Muchado should have considered that before he stroked Norris over the head with his backswing. Twice.
Ammunition doesn't explode in a fire. @12:20
One thing you're forgetting is at many establishments the staff shares tips; ie servers, cooks and bussers split tips. So when you stiff a server because you feel a $5 salad doesn't warrant a tip, you're are in fact stiffing everyone involved with the preparation of your meal. I don't work in the service industry…