
But what if? But what if? But what if? But what if? But what if?!



This is the most incredible thing io9 has ever published.

My thoughts exactly. TANSTAAFL

I really hope it does well. Mostly because I’m selfish and really want to see the entire saga play out.

If that were true, Abrams would go down in history as the greatest troll that has ever lived. I would applaud him for that.

And then we get into evolution. At what point does a species evolve past the need to expand across the galaxy? Or past the ability to do so? All of this is speculation and there are countless variables at play.

+1 To that. His S2 set a benchmark for all comic book movies.

I almost never know any personal details of the author I am reading. I judge a story by what is between the covers, period.

I liked Europa Report. Wasn't strictly a horror movie though. I'm also curious about Infini; even if the plot doesn't seem all that original, I simply can't pass up a sci-fi flick.

I say we suck the earth dry of fossil fuels, but only if we pour all that energy straight into the industries needed to eventually get to the stars.

Dread Pirate Roberts?

Nailed it


I've always wondered if the soundtrack throughout this scene is a nod to Ennio Morricone. The pacing is great.

The whole time I was watching/listening to this, all I could picture was Bugs in drag. Super cool stuff though.

This particular post is the voice of reason for this entire article.

Another thing is cooling. I don't see how it could possibly be air cooled. Plumbing a cooling system into a rotating assembly seems somewhat nightmarish. How does it oil?

In the video they're touting their design as being less complex than a more traditional engine but I'm not so sure. I'm all about innovation but

I would just go for all five and if you can, you should definitely try to find the documentary 'Behind the Planet of the Apes'. It's narrated by Roddy McDowell and is absolutely fascinating.…