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    I =\= even

    I guess you could say I pre-ordered star citizen...

    Better headline:

    Better headline:

    (I can’t stop giggling)

    As a dog I can confirm no one I know likes him.

    Is she some Trump apologist?

    He mocks everyone equally on family guy. Everyone.

    Not everyone is a fuckhead.

    Limbo champion of the world

    The entire world is side-eying the US real hard right now

    I’ll give you an ahnenpass on that pun

    I don’t necessarily agree with all that you said, but the shot stains who got this voted in ran away as soon as it happened

    (Mic drop)


    Why would a man vote for him?

    “Why do you hate children?!”

    Worst trip to Disneyland ever. Who lets all these alligators hang around anyways?

    It’s time to end women’s suffrage


    Could they do any more to rip off TF2?