Gas Station Fruit Pie

Land Of Ten Thousand Nopes.

it can be three dicks.

"I was pretty fucked up back in the ’90s, so who knows."

if he farts on me and makes me laugh, why not?

the pinnacle of modern cuisine!

dude, kirsten wiig has a line delivery thats both hilarious and haunting in one of the upcoming episodes.

theroux is hilarious even when deadly serious. this is a compliment. i laughed all the way through each of his scenes in mulholland drive.

he looks AWFUL :( is that the point?

dude im straight as an arrow but paul rudd is a fox and if i were single and the opportunity arose id give it a go.

i absolutely didn't catch that it was Wain until the credits.


i wish i could like this a million times.

he IS pitiable. and i think Fiennes communicated that as well (less so Tom Noonan?)

he oughta go crazy, mix things up with a cat or a rabbit. stave off the boredom.

this is the first time he seems like hopkins' lecter to me. he's cold and snide in a way he wasnt before.

prosciutto and provolone bagel and…spaghettios (don't judge me, you bastards)

i imagine if the show weren't cancelled they would've had him locked up for awhile longer before the big breakout

i think freddie just knows who she is and isnt ashamed of it. almost admirable.

and Stay Cool

Pro tip: Hannibal still airs on Thursday in Canada. I just discovered this. This means if you're crafty you can find uploads of the new episodes on Thursdays around this time.