Gas Station Fruit Pie

you must be attentive to have deduced a stranger's entire internal life, history, opinions and experiences from a few short sentences. hot takes!

I like kittens. They're fun to pet.

and our reactions to such evil are truths as well.

feels good man

you know me so well based on a few internet comments! gosh, you must be magical.

fair enough.

thin justification for whiny celebrities to go after Joe Everyman for daring to say something not so nice about you.

Mmmmm, patronizing condescension, delicious.

Nope. Your opinion is not an absolute truth.

i don't want your pancakes


fine lines and all. we gonna start going after people who troll celebrities on twitter? come on.

vigilante justice/revenge is our basest instinct as a species.

dexter fans have all committed mass suicide post Lumberjackgate

beating off with both hands, you say?

something something family values party

remember that whole free speech thing? hint: it applies to twitter too.

Like most RWNJs, James Woods seems to have a pretty slim grasp on what 'free speech' means.

it's 2015. does 2015 mean every single possible thing is turned into a cornel west treatise on race? or a 'white people be like this' jab?

hows the view from that high horse?