Gas Station Fruit Pie


nah, its just funny.

i only saw it because i was managing a Movie Gallery then and got shit for free and brought it home + loved it.

and so fucking what? white this, white that, race this, race that. watch it or don't. for fucks' sake.

You have definitely cast a level 5 charm spell on me.

Jason Lives was by far the best sequel in the Friday the 13th films past II. I think it was the most critically praised of the whole series, too.

Sea Org

yeah, this season made me cry a great deal. in a good way though!

gratingly awful, that movie

i guess partially what im doing is wondering where the show could possibly go now (and its my favorite show, it bears mentioning). theyve covered bojack trying to Optimism Power himself into a new horseman, and it didnt work. Where now?

bad phrasing. i can see its pretty heavily implied. but they havent approached it directly as of yet. i guess im curious if theyll go that route eventually. as someone with mental health issues, id hope theyd do it with nuance. theres material to be mined there with the awful ups and downs of trying to find the right

It's interesting to me that the show hasn't (yet) approached the idea (directly) that BoJack is likely severely clinically depressed. Maybe Season 3 has him seeking out some help? I mean really, do his friends not see it?

its a classic case of looking for happiness in others' validations, rather than finding it within yourself.

exactly. i wasnt angry at bojack once. i was sad and disappointed, the kind of sad and disappointed that comes from genuinely liking someone but seeing them fuck up, over and over again.

portland to reno, 14 hours. get fucked, all a yas.

have you ever worked retail? the stakes may be low but the stress is insane. you are garbage to everyone above your head and every customer through the door. its beyond demoralizing.

its almost certainly not the case but still fun to think about.

oh i agree with you there. unfortunately theyve been doing that all season. the automatic kung-fu from the chang episode is another good example, and theres another glaring asian one in the finale. its a bummer. :(

i have this theory that Cesar killed him. Which almost makes sense when you watch the last episode of the season.

the worst person on the show to me personally is Daya's mom, and she's Latino.