Gas Station Fruit Pie

or when shes patronizingly lecturing all of her pleib co-prisoners on some aspects of the world they must not know about because they aren't as worldly as Precious Piper

as far as firing the female guard, i think he was just hurt and did a stupid thing.

that's offensive to male viewers, if so.

theyve had redshirts be releasedā€¦earlier in this season or maybe late in the last season, it was foreshadowing of cost-cutting ventures, i think?

i think it's more than hes a person who believes in genuine kindness and goodness, and seems just as genuinely wounded and confused when people don't seem to notice or care or things don't work out for him.

just one?

i'm a 31 year old American dude and i got the Jordache reference.

its not the fifties. people are a bit more accepting now.

its a television show. if you dont like it, dont watch. seriously, why do you keep posting your self-righteous bullshit about how much smarter you are than the rest of us for NOT watching this show? God, fuck outta here.

curious what makes a 'real' job or not? sorry, i hate that fucking phrase. if you get paid for something you've done, it's a real job.

too bad Republicans ARE Nazis.

or maybe people are overthinking a stupid fucking impression.

this dude knew how this would be taken by people, especially right now during stewart's exit. seems petty and childish and calculated.

theres literally no way you can interpret this article that way unless you desperately want to bend reality to suit your needs.

i used to call him Punchableā€¦he has the most punchable face on TV.

well worded, i agree!

i feel like Ted Jr. is the most complex character on this show. he isnt likeable but hes both pitiable and fascinating.

they all deliver amazing performances but the woman who plays Tawney deserves every possible award, ever. its a crime the Emmy/Golden Globe folks keep ignoring this show.

he was on bates motel briefly in season 2. in a very regrettable token new love interest role. his character was nauseating.

i still don't get how Bradley Cooper became a thing. He was Ben in WHAS and he was Sack Lodge in Wedding Crashers. That's all I expected for him. Then, boom.