Gas Station Fruit Pie

especially when we're discussing someone self-righteous enough to bust in here and proclaim why they're too pure to continue watching this horrible show. don't like it, don't watch. no one gives you am medal for saying how much you hate something.

yeah, piper is the worst person on this show by miles. she makes healy and luschek look like saints. the only one who even comes close to competing is daya's mother (oh my god, just shut the fuck UP for once!)

I'm wondering why Norma doesn't know better, with her background.

its so much more chilling that she doesnt put up a struggle, just sadly lies there and takes it :(

I'm not sure you have much room to complain about a show's stereotyping people of different backgrounds when you use transphobic language in your post.

yeah but the sheriff's office had guns. they mustve known there was risk of them falling into the 'wrong' hands. shrug.

yeah. while i sympathize with norma, she murdered someone. she didnt have to. dickmuffin or not, what she did was unnecessary and horrible. no one put a gun to her head and made her do it. thats like saying if i went and whacked some right-wing nut jobs that its their fault i did it, not mine. because they were

and yet you're taking the time to comment here about how much you hate it. its taken that time from your life, just so you could be smug. dont fucking watch if you dont like it!

it seemed airlifted from another, goofier, infinitely inferior show. i rolled my eyes so hard it hurt. i knew they were setting it up for a guard to interrupt her. ha…ha…*fart*

it was indeed fucking hilarious. one of many such hilarious moments tonight.

I burst out laughing at the car that caught fire for no apparent reason, and also the guards with full body armor still somehow managing to get gunned down. ho boy.

this looks…beyond terrible.

didn't even have to think about it, did you?

sorry. i wish i could unlearn its existence too :(

sorry, i wish i could unlearn its existence, too :(

its a royal tenenbaums quote.

i'm always gladdened in my heart to see the 'what this ___ presupposes' meme still alive and kicking.

I love the Richard Branson cat!

interesting that the bill cosby thing blew open because Hannibal Buress. Does anyone wonder how the reaction would've been different if it were Amy Schumer or someone else of the vaginal persuasion?

man, that screams Return Of Kings parody. they nail it.