Gas Station Fruit Pie

Some thoughts:

i will say, ive never wanted to jump through a TV to strangle a character as badly as I did with Chuck when he gave his asshole -coming-clean monologue.

Damn, those are some pretty extreme mental gymnastics in that first paragraph to try to justify the initial superior tone. It's much like some Tea Party loonball spouting how "liberals are the real racists!" Projection is fun. Glad to see you're still deciding what ought to offend me or not offend me, though. Because

y'know, i had a long response here originally, but it's just not worth it. enjoy your snark.

thought it was a bear, myself

evan peters in asylum is a real possibility, i'd think, because he was alien abducted instead of being hacked to death or whatever.

he can be both…ah, fuck it.

fat = poor and vice versa now? nice stereotypes.

if thats sarcasm, +1. if not, deduct 5.

entering into evidence, people's exhibit A: Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis

eh, the only other one who comes close to me in the Mr. Punchable department is Howard Hamlin.

the motivation is the problem. the need to appeal to skeptical audiences by using a white cis male surrogate, rather than focusing on trans people or POC, is basically still playing the game of 'America isn't ready'.

If it 'inspired' you so much, why fictionalize it at all? Let alone with the most cliched of plotlines imaginable, 'misunderstood rural sort moves to Big City (tm) to meet wacky characters and find himself'? Midwest = bad and small-minded, NYC = Xanadu. Yawn. Blowjobs to NYC's inherent superiority to the rest of the

too many bowls full of spiderwebs.

diehard reggae fans are cult-like also.

there should be a word for people who love the Dead but hate their fans.

The Grateful Dead's final show was the last one with Jerry, though. It isn't the Dead without Jerry.

As a huge Archer fan, I kinda hope this next season is the last. The show's still good, but it's not what it once was, and it's only gonna devolve.

it makes me wonder if it would've been better received if they had done it as a series from the start. it just works so well in this format.

"everyone goes through their alternative phase"