Couldn’t Porsche just install a larger turbo to increase the range?
Couldn’t Porsche just install a larger turbo to increase the range?
CP <<=====|===F=>> NP
The A/S/RS5 Sportback is ugly as hell.
Why not just redirect to this guy's YouTube channel when I click the link? Or put his EE logo on the banner so I know not to click that story.
Well, here’s the thing: you don’t get to pretend things you don’t like don’t exist. This is noteworthy. It’s also of note that it’s very dangerous and illegal.
I think you meant to send that reply to someone else. I never said he wasn’t an engineer, and I never said he couldn’t do simple calculations. For someone complaining about straw men, you should probably be more careful.
I don’t agree with Clarkson hating on Greta, but I think his message is valid. Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die and when we are going to die, instead of focusing on how to fix these issues?
I understand that this is mainly picking on a ridiculous New York Post article (which is probably redundant), but I feel like this great movie is now balancing on the precipice of being a poster child for a bunch of hot button political topics, and I only ask: can we not?
I find automatics MORE annoying in traffic because you are always riding the brakes. If you are shifting all the time you are doing it wrong. Leave enough space ahead of you to ride out the standing waves. Everyone says “but people will cut in front of you” - no, they really won’t. At least not enough to bother with,…
Is the reason it has the ‘15-’17 face because that one is inarguably better looking?
I wonder what % of people who specify no manual because of ‘traffic’ actually know how to drive a manual or have owned a manual before and feel like they have to give some bs excuse in order to not be perceived (in their mind or otherwise) as a ‘real’ enthusiast
Just not a fan. I dig old Lancias though.
Oh, that’s the chum that pulls this shark in. If you see the length of this and roll your eyes, like WTF, dude, and dismiss it, I totally understand!
The engine in the E-Type was definitely better, but styling? Not remotely. I remember disagreeing with that when I first read that opinion about 30 years ago when…
Bullshit. I’ve had better roadrash from fucking on carpet.
Well... Big Bill Hell wants to be family to the point that he’s fucking your wife...