I found the SCG spokesperson ^
I found the SCG spokesperson ^
I, too, get mad when I pour my passion and soul into something and then someone comes along and makes my work look like the cheap Korean knock off version.
Fuck, yeah. They’d find me on the flight deck, sitting in the captain’s seat making prop plane noises and surrounded by empty mini bottles. My first words to the rescuers [maintenance folks] would either be “I’ll never get over Macho Grande.” or “Surely, you can’t be serious.”
“Maybe Air Canada can look into compensating for some therapy.”
Thats stock on all mustangs now
P Zero grip and Zero tire life?
Bad take on your own past choices, bro.
The early Renaults like the 1900 model you show used a thermosiphonic cooling system; there’s no water pump. Instead, the temperature difference between the hot water in the block and the cold water in the exposed radiator creates enough circulation by convection to transfer the heat.
Gray does nothing to accentuate a car. Every car in grey would look better in another color. It’s never the best choice.
You forgot to mention the GTI is too fat and safe, the Corvette is too expensive and going mid-engined will cause Zora to roll over in his grave, the Boxster/Cayman’s turbo-4 sounds terrible... God, it’s like you aren’t even listening to us complain, Patrick. This article really missed the mark.
Which car were we discussing?
Ugliest stock wheels on any car to appreciate in value? Serious question.
I think you might be misreading the spirit of what those people are saying. Everytime I see a dude trying to fight baldness, and losing, I kind of feel obligated to help them out. It’s kind of like seeing a family member wearing a ridiculous shirt - if I like them, and care about them, I tell them they should change…
“But no, that’s asking too much of the intellectually challenged.”
The car, for all intents and purposes, mobbed.
the car mobs.
Being a Russian ship, I expect we’ll have dash cam footage soon.
THIS is the 2000 Toyota Avalon. That’s right, today I’ll be reviewing a 19-year old large Toyota sedan from the middle of the Boring Era. It’s just like the one your grandparents probably traded in last year. Just kidding - they’re probably still driving it!