This is shockingly hard for people to understand..
This is shockingly hard for people to understand..
I can't even look at him. I'm not a violent person (generally) but I just want to punch something when I see his smug face.
I must tell you, I appreciate how often you seem to help pull me out of the greys! Just wanted to say thanks!
How might one go about infusing this olive oil you speak of?
They had to hash out the details...
This is pretty awesome. I'm someone who only recently smoked pot for the first time so my knowledge is limited, but it definitely helped my PMS!
Um after I get paid Friday I will definitely be revisiting your shop...
Ugh. I watched that with my mom & sister religiously and we had the same reaction. My mom HATED Courtney and was supremely pissed. I wish Victoria had made it further :(
Grits are delicious... but I am also from Michigan with a ton of Southern relatives, so it may merely be subconscious self preservation on my part.
Ugh same... pain in the ass.
Oh man I feel you. This does nothing for the fact that my left boob is at least a half-cup if not a full cup larger than my right. I like push-up bras merely because they look closer to the same size and shirts don't look as weird.
I bow down to you. This has made my day.
My two best friends have stretched ears. I learned very quickly not to say gauged.
I am so, so glad the grocery store I work at doesn't do deliveries. I can only imagine what a pain in the ass it could potentially be at both ends.
Bosco sticks were huge at my school, those and chicken bowls (popcorn chicken, cheese, mashed potatoes and I think there may have been corn in there).
Um, now I'm hungry... venison sounds delicious right now.
Oh god don't even joke...
I saw that recently too. Half of my time was spent going "I know him... Who is that dammit..." I blame the weird makeup.
Please, take it. Take it away...