
"First" implies sequels. But there were no sequels.

The secret ingredient was love.

Black Widow looks like she really has to pee there.

I believe Bob is the best person to speak to about this.

The idea of ordering "grilled mushrooms" at a McDonalds makes me physically ill

My only hope is that Dora is robbing her blind.

This is Texas. Federal laws are for other states.

Atheist PSA:

They even stole our trick of taking a group of hateful, bloodthirsty reptiles and naming it West____ Baptist Church.

It bears repeating:

That will teach you not to underestimate the French!

Now retreat or I shall take the French Bread as well!

At this rate, why don't we call this...


"He's just completely boggled by seeing the Flash." — Yes! A Diggle boggle!

I'd give you a high five, but I'd have to get up.

This tells me, 'Meh, 35? I can wait another 35 years before I start going to the gym.'

Sriracha, hollondaise, Worcestershire, hoisin and tartar. Five sauce.

"It was either make my sermons more engaging or get the entire congregation hopped up on espresso."

"I'll have the Quarter Pound Body of Christ combo with Diet Blood of Christ. The little one will have the Hail Mary Meal."