Gaseous Clay

😒 you just dumped gravel all over my fantasy. but that’s ok. i can still open all the toys i can find on ebay

jk its not about the unused work tools, i just want to spite everybody

i wish i had the money to buy this, paint it white, and use it as a work truck. the dump bed has never had a rock in it?

glad you found it. i vaguely remember this, but i had no memory of all these mitsubishis

hey! better him than gilbert gottfried 

you’re missing the forest for the trees. think about it - influenza has had decades of research, millions upon millions of dollars invested in vaccines. but, most critically, PEOPLE TOOK THE FLU SERIOUSLY. when there was a deadly outbreak, no one went “this is fine, the plague was worse” like you and lots of other…

“Ok, so one contagious disease is not equivalent to another for.... reasons.... i guess.“

🙄 spare me this attitude, jesus. i didn’t hit your mom. what you are doing here is not “civil discourse.” what you’re doing is derailing actual discourse with loaded questions, asked in bad faith (i read your thread and it’s transparent where your line of inquiry is coming from), to prove some small statistical point…

false equivalency, as malaria and influenza don’t spread unchecked. covid is like an termite infestation consuming your house, but you’re here like, “but arent’t you worried about the ants that escaped that other kid’s ant farm??? theyre ALL MALE BRO”

that’s my entire point though. this flub is not even worthy of an eye roll, but the video has 20k dislikes because people are less intelligent than aquarium algae and they keep expecting ubi to be a good dev with less than 15,000 employees

lol! this is dumb but so are the angry people disliking it. it’s ubisoft you dipshits! when has Ubisoft EVER seemed like they knew what they were doing? this dumb semantics issue is not only idiotic, it is emblematic of ubi’s harmless corporate design by committee style. it was likely a team of 5 québécois who chose…

hi! as a lady i am very fond of shorts as an alternative to pants. i would like to remind you that you can buy shorts that aren’t made of denim, so you can be comfy without looking like you’re trying out to model for Big Dog 

i know - the juxtaposition of “naturally occurring” and “sierra mist” is like nails on a chalkboard. that’s why it’s in Australia™

i thought that’s what i said?

joke’s on you! this is actually a naturally occurring pool of Sierra Mist™

yeah, you’re not a game dev either. if you’re going to take my joke literally to make me look ungrateful, you’re gonna have to be honest with yourself and not big your role up lol

game devs and parents both love spending whole paragraphs saying “no” don’t they?

i wouldn’t hold my breath to be honest. i only had that hope because halo 2 is the one my mates and i actually played together, so it’s the one with enough nostalgia power.

A number of potential sales ride on this question: can it be crossplayed between xbox and pc? it would be good to get the old gang back together this time, instead of just feeling old and slow by myself lol

this was my first videogame! I absolutely love it, from the dorky story to the dorky low-fi star wars music. it took me about 3 years to actually, like, grow up enough to play the game correctly and beat it (sorry i was a kid in the 90s). finally getting through that damn sewer was more satisfying than any souls boss…