$239 being the cheapest lease in America is incredible. Absolutely ridiculous.
$239 being the cheapest lease in America is incredible. Absolutely ridiculous.
That is a really bad description. Hes not inherently buffoonish or dumb-the original series makes a big point about how intelligent, principled and brave he is-most people dropped into a foreign country with no knowledge at all of the language or customs wouldve done a lot worse.
Isnt this pretty much how he was in the original mini series? I havent seen it since i was a kid. But here’s what I remember about Blackthorne: yeah, he didnt know the language or customs at first-so they think hes a buffoon-at first he gets by a lot on dumb luck-but he wins them over eventually with his intelligence…
Yes, as others have confirmed, he was aging it.
I’m amazed at how much Cosmo Jarvis sounds like Richard Burton.
FWIW, “Broken to...” almost always means “tamed” or “gentled” or “enslaved” or whatever your favorite euphemism is for “removed as completely as possible the ability and/or desire to disobey and resist”.
Never did I think I'd mourn Disney properties entering public domain
If you’re one of the freaks who gave the $50,000 “what if Winnie the Pooh stabbed people” slasher a whopping $5 million at the box office, you legally owe the rest of us an apology.
Getting really tired of you deranged motherfuckers trying to paint Biden as a pedophile. He’s not, nobody has a credible case that he is, and he’s been in the public eye since the 1970s. Yes, I’ve seen all your video montages. His behavior is benign.
Is Biden old and dottering? Yeah. But Trump is *also* old and…
I’m honestly worried about a being sent to a gulag for trans people if there was a second Trump Administration.
Ya, you don’t actually care. The truth is Trump doesn’t know sh*t about anything economic. He’s broke and he’s saying whatever gets people like you to defend him. Now Trump wants to Javier-Milei the United States. Just one more reason he’s the worst person on earth to put in charge of anything.
Boomer-ass post.
Fuck off.
Donald J. Trump administration added $8 Trillion to our National Debit.
If Trump utters sounds they are probably ( most certainly ) very stupid ideas.
Margolyes shtick is that she says shocking things and spills the industry gossip because she doesn’t give a fuck. It’s how she’s sustained her career. However, you definitely get the feeling that all her anecdotes and tall stories are heavily embellished.
She’s lying.
That’s all the proof we need. You hear that, Steve Martin? YOU’RE DONE!!!
Here’s the number in question. I dunno, maybe they used the gentlest takes in the film, but she and the towels she’s carrying are barely making contact with that door, and that punch is clearly a forced perspective type of stunt. I’m starting to wonder if Arnold Schwarzenegger even farted in her face.
It does sound like she’s allegedly making a grab for money or relevance by exaggeration in several directions?