Right? I emitted an involuntary chuckle of disbelief at that line.
Right? I emitted an involuntary chuckle of disbelief at that line.
You sound like you spend a lot of time on social media being offended on behalf of people who couldn’t care less.
JIF! Hands down is the best peanut butter!!!
Was their behavior disrupting the show? If so, was it disrupting it as much as the performer stopping to point it out?
There is a reasonable presumption here. Your example of “Well, if they didn’t want to get assaulted/raped/stabbed/robbed, they shouldn’t have been there!” 100% holds water. If you know an area is dangerous, and you decide to hang out there at 2AM...odds are something bad is going to happen. Yes you should be able to…
There are bound to be cultural differences between us, with us physical contact is almost the norm. If I asked someone if they were ok with a hug they would look at me like I am crazy.
I will say romantic spontaneity goes out the window if that is how you have lived your life, by defining boundaries and milestones for…
Person like me? Fuck you racist!
This goes back to my original statement, how would people know she is a minor. House parties normally don’t have bouncers at the door checking ID.
Serious question, would you feel this way if the setting was a 21+ club club/venue and she used a fake ID to sneak in?
I am sorry that the truth of the world is too much for you to handle.
the correct one. That bitch was trying to jumpstart her career and now wants another 15 minutes for jumping on the #metoo bandwagon. Whores gonna whore it up.
ok...you seemed to take parts of this story and mash it together, take a moment and clam down and re-read what happened.
Jonah Hill is being accused of an unwanted intimate interaction, Jonathan Togo is being accused of having sex with a minor, and Justin Long is catching strays for hosting house parties and living…
There are two conversations to be had with your question
1. Forcing yourself on someone: This is never ok, period. With that said, context is key. The first time I kissed my wife, it was after dinner and we were at a bar. I initiated the kiss, and she was receptive. Now lets say she wasn’t receptive, that could be seen…
This isn’t a “you shouldn’t wear that if you don’t want that sorta attention” thing, this is a “you willingly walked into the lions den, and are shocked when you got pounced on”.
No one forced her to drink and it doesn’t sound like she was drugged. Seriously wtf did she think would happen when going to a house party at…
Seriously tho, fuck this chick. Why are you going to house parties and asking for cigs when you are 16, only to talk about it years later when it suits a narrative.
The poster made it sound like the pedestrian entered the crosswalk when the car was already passing through, but that is clearly not the case. The pedestrian entered the crosswalk before the Tesla, so a stop is required. The Tesla blows the stop. No argument to be had.
Good try buddy! But breaking the law isn't any more special for an AI then it would be for you. Well I guess that's not really true, but you get the idea.
It is state law to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. You can tell because there’s a sign clearly visible in the video that says exactly that. The Tesla failed to yield to the pedestrian in the crosswalk, breaking the law. So it either didn’t know, or it did know and broke the law anyway. Those are the only two…
They are practicing their wokeronyms..
WN (why not)?
WTF- hire survivors?! How exactly is that supposed to go down? Add a question to the job application?