“Way too quick to assume the worst” is definitely the case online, particularly on Twitter.
“Way too quick to assume the worst” is definitely the case online, particularly on Twitter.
although she was “guilty as accused”, the situation around Alexi McCammond (almost Teen Vogue editor) was also pretty crappy, and really highlighted how some people would not accept anything but absolute perfection.
If you say so. I don’t know what complaints they got or why exactly they decided to remove it. But if no one asked them to remove it that (in my view) makes it even worse. It suggests that even the thought that someone might somehow be offended will now lead artists to pre-emptively censor themselves, no matter how…
Just read the article.
The best episode of Community is no longer available on Netflix.
No matter how many times we say “cancel culture is a myth,” it doesn’t make it true. I wish we could just acknowledge that so-called cancel culture has some negative implications along with all the positive effects (accountability, etc.).
This is Sam “I Saw a Tweet and Made a Mountain Out of It” Barsanti you’re scolding, so I’m afraid your words will have no effect.
It’s kind of a shame, because the wording of the headline suggested that this might actually be a biting satirical take on the story... but then I saw the byline under it, and knew it would bend over backwards to side with the two wackos that are offended by fairy tales.
For God’s sake, Sam, can we cut this nonsense out? The “backlash” to the new Disney ride consisted entirely of one editorial on SFGate before Fox News picked it up and ran with their brand new culture war football. There is no need to play their game. I don’t care what two people on some editorial webpage have to say:…
Well he probably didn’t get to amass the type of knowledge to qualify for Jeopardy by dicking around on sites like 4Chan where this type of white supremacy gesture co-opting gets cooked up. So in this case, he wouldn’t be stupid, he’d be ignorant. There have been countless times where a Jeopardy trio will nail…
Knowing enough to win at Jeopardy doesn’t have anything to do with knowing that a hand gesture has been semi-ironically adopted by white supremecists.
What he did was count off his wins, then held his thumb and index finger together to tap his chest.
Oh for fucks sake. Guess I have been flashing a white power sign everytime I have indicated the number 3 then. BTW I cannot use my pointer, middle, or ring finger to make a three as my ring finger on both hands curls in when I try. It is called context for a reason this era of outrage culture has now gone into the ludi…
Actually it does, but no one here is interested in that.
Does his explanation track? (i.e. Did he flash a hand sign in the two days before indicating a 1 and then a 2?) If so, then I’m fine with his explanation.
Ok whoever came up with the idea of the Odium fight scene deserves a lot of credit and kudos to the VFX team for making it work so well. It definitely stood out.
Piracy just seems so much simpler.
If you want to maintain permanent ownership of it, download it to your own device and don’t stream it from the servers.
And this, friends, is why the first thing you should do with your purchased digital media is download and convert it to a DRM-free format.
You could practically tell the guy was going to be a villain in the first episode reveal. You DEFINITELY could in every subsequent check-in.
I liken it to one of Stephen King’s criticism’s of Kubrick’s adaptation of “The Shining.” The novel spends a lot of time getting to know Jack Torrance, learn about his demons,…