Gary Campbell

I dunno... it seems like Trump is a pretty unique situation and his conman/cult of personality simply can’t be replicated. If he were out of the picture, the rest of the GOP would be a cannibalistic feeding frenzy and they’d all kill each other trying to out-MAGA everyone else. I don’t think there’d be one candidate

Black is selfishly trying to protect his Hollywood rep and his income.

Jack’s reaction here is really disappointing. Even if he disagreed with the comment and thought it was in bad taste, throwing your friend and creative partner for decades under the bus to this extent is a big shame.

Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.

Spector may have been a card-carrying psychopath but dismissing the Wall of Sound is dismissing a big chunk of late 20th century popular music, much of it very much worth engaging. I don’t think Lennon needed to stick with him (George also kicked Spector to the curb around this time because he was just impossible to

He also chose to produce Mind Games himself (with some help from Yoko), wisely leaving Phil Spector and his insufferable “Wall of Sound” in the dust.

Hey now. Priming the pump today about being abused at Nickelodeon will come in handy for any looming, self-instigated PR shitshows in her future.

I wonder if anyone actually is dim enough to genuinely believe that’s what the song is about?

It’s a song about, as our Britt Hayes put it, “a woman being held hostage by some guy who may or may not have drugged her adult beverage.”’

Christ, isn’t a little early for the “Baby It’s Cold Outside” clickbait discourse machine to fire up again? Didn’t we settle this years ago, or has the COVID brain fog destroyed that part of our collective memory?

Remember when Pat Sajak thought Rush Limbaugh would make a good guest host for his talk show, and members of the audience were yelling at him so much they had to clear the theater?

I HIGHLY doubt the middle-aged usher knew who she was, or didn’t care. But that doesn’t excuse Rowland’s behavior at all; just because you’re kinda famous in the USA and even if you were once in a hugely popular group, that doesn’t give you a pass to treat people like shit, especially when they’re just doing their

This finale was simply perfect. I'm a grown adult and I cried my eyes out. 

Wasn’t a fan of the flash forwards in the final episode (perhaps because I never watched TBBT) but the penultimate funeral episode was pitch perfect.

But is she abused on every project, or is she someone with untreated trauma who keeps transferring that trauma onto every project she works on?
She often tries to leave projects that are underway. Not every set is a happy set, but not every set is a miserable hell-hole, either. She’s also typically working on projects

I was just going to say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any story involving this woman which hasn’t been about her claiming something horrible happened to her behind the scenes.

Alex Jones is the world’s biggest asshole and shouldn’t have a dime to his name. He should have been on that bridge.

Hell, even if the bridge was brand-new and lovingly maintained every single day by a swarm of repair bots it couldn’t have withstood the hit from a gargantuan container ship like this.

American Hitler-groveling scum looking at using ANYTHING to taint Biden, so what else is new? Since Donald The Criminal proves every day how mentally unstable he is with the babbling and incoherent raving with the pathological lies that erupt from his upper asshole, what else can American Hitler’s shitheads do? Why,

Every single conspiracy wacko I have ever met has been incapable of handling uncertainty, chance, bad luck, chaos and randomness. They are such control freaks that they cannot handle that bad shit just happens. Effing small minded cowards.