The exam-cheating scene is one that really sticks out for me and I chuckled mightily at that one. Chevy Chase can be a social idiot in real life, but still does excellent physical comedy.
The exam-cheating scene is one that really sticks out for me and I chuckled mightily at that one. Chevy Chase can be a social idiot in real life, but still does excellent physical comedy.
I got to the end of the Trading Places section, thought to myself, “Wow, this guy’s ripping on Trading Places a lot... wait, is this Jesse?” and then scrolled back up to find, yep, it’s Jesse. :)
And you didn’t have to comment.
Seriously, I think this is the only guy that didnt get “Trading Places”.
Nah, I’d say you’re more like the Dukes condescendingly explaining to Valentine what ‘bacon’ is.
Wow, you must be a blast at parties.
Oh, and Paul Gleason in the midst of his run of all-time great 80s movie scumbags.
I never really thought Beverly Hills Cop was all that great, but Trading Places rules. Ackroyd proves that he’s a GOAT straight man, Murphy is on fire, Jamie Lee Curtis is a supernova, And Don Ameche, Denholm Elliot & Ralph Bellamy show that they can still hang with a younger generation of comedic actors. The plot is…
Why are we disrespecting Spies Like Us? For the 1985 Soviet gay scene that was played for laughs?
What. We rewatched Trading Places as part as our Christmas movies and I rediscovered it as a fantastic movie with not a weak spot and a very strong social commentary. With Eddie Murphy of course doing his best with some improv and lines recycled from his stand up, but the Dan Aykroyd one being the closest to the…
There is so much wrong with this article. Trading Places is a hilarious classic. Beverly Hills Cop is a hilarious classic, and Eddie Murphy had maybe three great performances ahead of him.
i think it’s one thing to be like ‘this is annoying and corny. bad, dated joke.’ and another to be like ‘for shame on this entire enterprise for this vile sexist transgression on international women’s month! my legion of fans, attack!’
“Has Tom Hiddleston’s profile recovered from that embarrassing period?”
Why should I give empathy to a stupid joke that no one except her and her stans would ever take seriously? This isn’t a new joke. It’s not a overly harsh joke. It’s a true joke. And it’s a joke that would have just passed by if she continued to ignore it. She gave the joke more power than it ever would of had.…
Who’s viewing it negatively here, though? The fact that Leonard DiCaprio came to your mind when thinking of a counter-example (which is who I thought of, too, while I was reading the article) is sort of evidence that people do make those punchlines. It seems kind of puritanical to view consenting adults dating a lot…
This is like when country singers get mad when people make jokes about pickup trucks in country songs. She got famous making songs about breaking up with people, and now she’s mad that she’s known for it.
And you know it’s a negative because no one makes the punchline “you go through men faster than Leonardo DiCaprio goes through the newest models”.
i mean i can see both sides of it, but this really seems like punching down for swift.
God I’ll be happy when her fanbase ages out of marketing relevance. Imagine harassing some corporate social media team because a terrible show made a bad joke about a singer whose music you like.
It’s a lazy joke, but I don’t see how it’s “deeply sexist.” It’s okay to take a pitch from time to time. Not everything is a federal case.