Gary Oriber

I squealed with delight when I saw them playing Agricola. (It is my favorite board game of all time.) I almost went into convulsions as it got more and more screentime. "Ooh, they actually know the rules! Ooh, Rachel said the name! Ohh, Agricola is going to become a major plot point!!!" *faints*

I felt like that at the end of every book for the first three books. "Now there's going to be a time-lapse," I would think. It never, ever came.

It was just an illustration of Frankie's natural buzzkilling. Instead of sharing the tiniest glimmer of information about her social life, like the girls wanted, she started talking about her sister's handicap. Jeff's arrival saved the day.

I disagree with the reviewer here. This episode is solid. I don't know why he claims it barely hangs together. It came out and stated the concept explicitly with Britta's quote about who each member is individually and as part of a group. It examined the way that being a part of the group affects the member's

Achievement Unlocked

Well you said "putting on a show." I don't think he is. I agree with you that he is letting her think what she wants to think while she gabs at him (simply by not arguing). I disagree with you that this is all an elaborate plot by this man to gain power.

The A.V. Club
Hey when something's this good, picking it apart is a compliment!

Yeah, once they arrested him, it was inevitable he would escape. They needed to back up the "use legal means" message, but still give DD something to do.

I get it now.

Umm… I wouldn't tell Karen. Why would I tell a girl I just met a couple months ago the biggest secret in my life? Because she is a longstanding character in the comics? Because she is a regular cast member for the TV season? Matt doesn't know these things.

+100 to gizmo.

Well he can't read TVs, or computer screens, or cell phones, or billboards, or perceive colors. So he can't exactly pretend to see, either. He's stuck either pretending to be blind, or explaining his superhuman abilities.

I don't know how ASOIF is going to end. Maybe once it happens, I'll look back with hindsight and say "Yeah, I saw that coming." For now, though, it seems like there's a lot of different ways it could end. (Please don't correct me on this with information you gained from author's notes or interviews. I'm purposely

Totally agree. I think it makes a huge difference in enjoying the work.

I think Matt/Daredevil habitually hides his super powers. As Matt he pretends not to be dependent on a cane to avoid obstacles. As the masked vigilante, he pretends like he can see. Leaning in to Vladimir is more of a "I'm listening" signal to Vladimir. He could have heard him from a mile away.

1) Its probably not that unusual for women to tease/flirt with Jon Snow.
2) Out of all the things that Melisandre could say to you in an elevator, "Are you a virgin?" is getting off SUPER EASY. Think about it.

It's not a slight, let's call it a "conflict of interest." Look back to Clarke's initial escape from Mount Weather. She formulated this plan of joining forces with the Grounders way back then. She didn't free all the prisoners, just Anya, the highest-ranking Grounder she had knowledge of. She spends a lot of time

You seem to be missing the "total annihilation" aspect which is the crux of cyclops argument. Victimizing visitors is different than holding off invaders. Wallace was completely consistent.

How much technology does it take to sneeze on someone? No one said they *made* the fever. They just infect people with it.

Nothing he said wasn't easily understood from watching the show.