Gary Oriber

Sorry guys, but Clarke was using Lexa. People were so excited about the kiss last episode, that I didn't have the heart to tell them. Lexa saw through it, hence the betrayal. Clarke may have real feelings for the Commander, but she never would have reciprocated to that level if Lexa had been some random Grounder

Great episode. The betrayal makes plain what was hinted at in the last episode: Clarke was using Lexa all along, and Lexa knew it. Sorry shippers, Clarke going in for that kiss involved serious calculation on her part. The "future plans" talk was just a tiny hint of the cynical way Clarke was trying to use their

I've said this many times before. The Mountain Men CANNOT expand their population with their current plan. Bone marrow is not passed on to your offspring. They are a dying people. Killing the Sky People will just seal their fate.

Weak defense? I'm surprised they were able to *build* a missile silo in post-apocalyptia at all. I was a little disappointed when when they mentioned that it was created by the previous president. It seems much more realistic to me that it would be a holdover from pre-war times.

*scrapes -Clarke Griffin 2016- sticker from bumper while weeping*

There's been plenty of leadership churn, and Clarke has come out on top.

Rest in peace, Bernie Mac.

I think that Bates killing them both makes the most sense. That's how I've been watching the show. It adds a lot of creepiness.

I don't know why, but The First Footman description makes me quite happy. You can't see it, but tiny, green light flicked on at my desk. Make it happen.

I think these guys understand the intended point of the episode very well, but darling has the truth of the matter. Liam was insecure because Fi was cheating, not the other way around. Ffion had cheated and got away with it. She was very good at sticking with her lie, and only gave as much ground as she needed to

That oughta hold those SOBs…

Ho, ho, ho. Silly mortals. You think this was dull? Not enough plot twists? The twists are coming fast and furious next season. Just you watch. All the clues are there.

Exactly right.

I'm going to point out a couple things:

I love that Lincoln himself acknowledges he should be restrained (on both occasions). It's not residual Reaper danger, its the fact that he can't stand around and commiserate with Sky People in good conscience. Even if his people treat him as a traitor, he doesn't see himself as having gone over to the other side

Frustrated by the short-sighted plans of Dr. Tori Singh and Cage Wallace. Someone should tell them about the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg.

Tasneem and friends clearly want the Americans gone. They killed Sandy because they could and it helped push forward that goal.

Trust, clearly. I like both of yours, though. In that order, even.

Nothing against JL, but I laughed out loud at this comment. Plus one for "waspy plainness." I wish I could give it another +1 for reminding me what it felt like to have standards.

I completely agree that I would have liked to see Tommy used better (he could have been so cool). Even though I would have loved it, who says they set him up as a "Virtuous Foil"? Maybe I don't understand TV criticism. Like Rowan saying they set up a "Resistance Storyline" then barely followed up on it. Why are we