Gary Fisher's Lolling Tongue

Ok hear me out here; 3-5 years from now, square releases a semi-spinoff kingdom hearts game where instead of going to disney movie worlds, you go to the worlds of disney channel shows. They could do a gravity falls world, a phineas and ferb world (bonus points if the final boss of the world is called the

Any number of reasons as to why someone might need distance from a situation before talking about it - not least because you might actually want to put bread on your table in an industry infamously unfair to <here you may insert “women,” “Asian voices,” “people who call out sexual assault,” or all three>.

Nothing about

Despite what the child responding said previously, your grandpa was right to be repulsed. The problem is that we’ve always had a culture where war has been entertainment for the people not being fucked up by the war, and everyone loves a soldier as long as they’re dying. We live in a sick culture filled with sick

Look.. I come from a military family, I understand the importance of acknowledging the deeds of veterans and remembering them... but it shouldn’t be done in the form of ENTERTAINMENT .. which is what a video game is. It’s compounded by the fact that the soldiers who fought, died or were wounded there were “following

I worked on a number of WW2 games in the late 90s. During a visit to my house, my grandfather, a WW2 veteran, noticed my published games shelf. One of the boxes had a german solider on the front. He said he was proud I had a job I loved doing, but how would I feel if someone made a video game based on one of the most


Sure, why bother to put her name in the headline.

The fact that you can be arrested for resisting arrest is something that’s straight out of Orwell, or maybe Kafka.

The investigation claims it found no sign of racial animus yet the only people out of the six JLs who got chewed out by Whedon were the two men of color and the woman.

This person seriously couldn’t prop the phone up against something and used both hands?

Sleeping with a 17-year old when you are 17 is still rape, you melted popsicle.”

“I’m not here to provide any degree of evidence in support of Congressman Gaetz, only to discredit these baseless allegations,”

If you’re leaving everything up to God’s will, then you need to be naked and living in a cave somewhere with no health insurance and you hunt and gather. No more Wawa, Carl’s Jr., HVAC system, cars, glasses, and modern medicine for you!

I remember when I was in my early twenties and working at the office of an assisted living facility, we had a new resident with a slightly uncommon Hispanic first name like Hermenegildo. He introduced himself using his full name to a coworker, and the coworker immediately says something like “How about I call you Ermie

“It would be God’s will if I am here or if I am not here.”

if it’s God’s will and this special buttercup does not get sick & die then that is a demonstration that God is paying her some special attention.  Feeds right into her deluded moronic ego ... she’s a member of a flock that should be thinned, too bad God is slipping a bit here ..

And if it was God’s will that scientists figure out how to make mRNA vaccines, these people are going to have some explaining to do.

More than that, she said, “It would be God’s will if I am here or if I am not here.”

I’m super late to this tonight, but here goes. I have been trying to exercise for the first time in years, like I am pretty much starting from scratch. It’s kind of scary how much strength and muscle mass I lost in my legs in the last 8 years (thank you depression and desk work). It’s super humbling considering I used

What’s everyone making lately? Eastern Orthodox Easter is still a month away, but my family appropriated these Greek Easter cookies for the huge tray of cookies my mom always made for Catholic Easter. I’ve gone rogue on the recipe. The original has a subtle lemon flavor, but my version is more of a Wake up tastebuds!