Gary Fisher's Lolling Tongue

Melatonin, Kirkland’s sleep aid, and making sure to read for a good long while before bed. 

Is no one else totally grossed out by attractive older men being referred to as "daddy"? Just me?

1. Willow is not a great movie.

Enjoy it while you can. It eventually goes from great-bad to bad-bad. Anna Paquin is the bee's knees though.

Bloody Rose by Nicholas Eames, a sequel to his Kings of the Wyld. It’s a fun fantasy series where mercenary bands are treated, and act, like literal rock stars. They're funny, a little gritty and surprisingly heartwarming when it comes down to it.

Fantastic! It's been a long time coming, I'm so happy for you. I wish you guys all the best.

That mean, fat bastard wouldn't last a day.

You bounce, but take damage. One of my few annoyances with the game are the handful of times I’ve gotten stuck in a crevice or corridor and perpetually bounce like a pinball.

I won't be joining you in voice chat, but I encourage you to say all the nerdy shit you want, whoop and swear revenge throughout the match. It's fun to listen to.

What if I hate dogs and I’m sick to death — TO DEATH — of hearing about them?

This comment was an absolute rollercoaster ride.

Ugh, scalper bots. See also: the Target exclusive Black Series Hondo Ohnaka. Scum of the earth. I did, however, land a PS5 during one of Wal-Mart's intermittent random restocks this evening. So I've got that going for me. Miles Morales for me, Sackboy for my kid, let's do this.

Jesus, are you me circa 1994? Sympatico.

I think they stopped around the time every working comedian started using “In a world..." jokes.

Did you just put down Pump Up the Volume???

I stand by my often-refuted assertion that Hackers is a superhero team origin story, complete with hero names, a dark-mirror supervillain, and finale costumes.

Will watch. Give Normani something to do in it and I'll help produce.

“Don't" is the answer. A miserable marriage makes for a miserable kid, whether you believe you're doing it for them or not, and the cycle will likely continue when they're an adult and they apply what you taught them about relationships and intimacy to their own lives.

The fuck are you talking about? Sony’s been highlighting the next Ratchet and Clank above all other next gen releases.

My 11 year old calls me a boomer all the time. I'm a Gen-Xer dammit.