
The worst moment in the entire series is when they hand wave why Wizards can’t say, cure cancer, by having Hagrid tell Harry that if they did mughals would just keep annoying them to do more

Not that I disagree that the books were a thinly, and I mean very thinly, veiled take on white supremacy, but wizard society as presented in the books is racist as fuck in the stupidest possible ways and nobody wants to ever address that. Basically the Wizarding World is like the Jim Crow South, sure it’s not quite as

They did an episode that sent up Austin, Nashville, and Asheville some time ago.

Neoliberalism is like a United Colors of Benetton commercial... the idea is racial and gender unity but only in service to selling overpriced jeans.

It depends how you define liberal... the traditional definition since the 1980's had been to use it a synonym for “the left”, but it’s increasingly being used to describe moderate, center-left Democrats as it had in the 60's (see Phil Ochs’s ‘Love Me, I’m a Liberal’ for a good definition). So in this usage, it is an

I think the best example of that was the “If Hillary Won, We’d Be Eating Brunch” sign at the Women’s March... people just want to feel like everything is okay, even if it meant more Paul Ryan and more Mitch McConnell and a GOP that nominates and endorses a child molester for Senate.

Yep. It’s the Midwest writ large, with a yuppie and hipster class drawn from Big Ten colleges and civic issues familiar to Detroit and St. Louis. It has streets named after random cities in Michigan and Iowa.

But, my job has shitty and tedious parts too. It just so happens that very few people in my line of work are ever given a platform to discuss them, so nobody really cares.

You wrote for the Every Three Weekly?!

A friend of a friend was Jill Stein’s roommate at some point and apparently said of her presidential bid “oh, bless her heart”.

well, you can see it in Chicago and San Fran now but your point is still well made.

How much of a pool are you expecting in a country if that size? Especially keeping in mind that you only get to see the biggest and most international productions?

Because boarding schools are so uncommon in the US relative to the UK, I took it as just a bit of values dissonance. There isn’t a chance in hell Charles was sending them to day school, so Eton was the best option available.

This is a minor note, but Princess Marina was in the first few episodes.

Isn’t it the opposite? That Tony was more popular with the family than Margaret herself? That is what makes it more dramatically interesting.... iirc, when the two would fight (which they almost constantly did), Elizabeth and the Queen Mother would always take Tony’s side and belittle Margaret, which makes her a way

There seems to be a whole continuity to the post-Rudolph specials they made. It’s like a little Christmas cinematic universe.

He’s actually Mickey Rooney in both!

Yes it has defenders. You just have no soul.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, actually makes “Detroit style” pizza in pans that were originally used to hold automotive parts. That is just typical Shinolaesque Detroit industrial chic marketing BS.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, actually makes “Detroit style” pizza in pans that were originally used to hold automotive parts. That is just typical Shinolaesque Detroit industrial chic marketing BS.