
There is a leap from “Epstein didn’t kill himself” to Matt Christman tweeting dozens of pizza emojis over a screenshot of an article saying Obama was on David Geffen’s yacht, no?

I’d suggest listening to older eps still available on other apps. If you vibe enough with them, which like I listened to 200 episodes in my first few months, it is well worth making the trek to Spotify twice a week.

I think that’s why it blew it up how and when it did. Just look at the iTunes top 100 (which LPOTL is now exiled from, though it’s presence on the comedy charts from old episode downloads alone is a testament to it’s popularity), the vast majority of popular podcasts are a.) hosted by celebrities or b.) NPR shows or

I mean, Chapo had kinda gone off the Pizzagate deep end. I will always miss the halcyon days of 2017 and ‘18 when Chapo was there to help me cope. But they’re way too far gone at this point. 

was head of Gestapo for 10 years! 5 years! Nein! No! Oh. Was NOT head of Gestapo AT ALL! 

it is for sure less directly autobiographical, but otherwise faithful.

Not just his immediate community, but in Newark and (likely) NYC in general. Relatively cosmopolitan places where, in 1941, you could probably still hear Yiddish on street corners as a matter of course 

Interesting that UNICEF uses the word “shit” in this video

I’m not hugely knowledgeable on everything going on and certainly have severe reservations on Modi on a number of fronts. But it is worth noting that in a lot of Asian countries (and India in particular), Hitler is not the totemic representation of all evil that he is in the west. It is not uncommon to find people in

Medicare is actually very popular across all groups

We already pay more for healthcare via taxes than anyone else in the world and all it gets us is the ability to pay more out of pocket than anyone else on top of that so yeah

Calling it “Medicare for all” has always been about branding. The Sanders/Warren proposals go well beyond Medicare as you note, but tying them to an existing and popular program is a much better sell than “nebulous new government healthcare plan”. 

I feel that Ewan and Logan’s relationship has not been written very consistently. If Ewan is on the board of Waystar and has $250 million in stock, it implies he was once a partner of Logan’s in the business. Indeed, Catherine seemed to know a lot about Greg’s family suggesting that they were once relatively close but

Zack and Miri is the movie that I think fundamentally broke Smith as a filmmaker. It seems like most posters here, unsurprisingly, never saw it. It isn’t high art or any kind of step forward for Smith, but it was a clear attempt to join the ranks of Apatow, Phillips, McKay, Roach, and Thurber as a director of

Hanukkah itself is a bit of a retcon... the miracle of the oil crops up hundreds of years after the event itself and seems to be a post-hoc justification for adopting some traditions associated with Saturnalia. Notably Josephus never mentions oil or any miracle when describing the Maccabees. 

Bells isn’t good enough?

I do think it’s kind of curious that all of my 20something liberal arts educated, feminist lady friends (all from the north) have adopted Dolly Parton as a talisman. I mean, it’s easy to see how she made the jump to queer icon and then onto that set but there’s nothing especially feminist about her songs relative to

Hodgman would be great. 

the physical evidence showed she could have been as young as 14 when she was ostensibly 12. 

The diagnostic criteria is nowhere near as foolproof as you would think.