
Strong agreement here. Recently, what everyone around me has always called “deep dish” has been rebranded as “Detroit style pizza” and basically nobody over 30 understands what that is.

Not just the Tribune Building, a shot of the Tribune Building surrounded by Chicago and Illinois flags... which might be excusable if they hadn’t also inexplicably used the Art Institute lions amongst the New York establishing shots.

Between that and the fact that her moment of infamy happened in Detroit, this is a topic well within Sufjan’s geographic remit  

And the BQE. And Solar System.

did we really expect Gen X to age well considering that their whole shtick was being too smart for everything from the very beginning?

I think Curb is at it’s best when Larry violates social niceties in a highly relatable way, ie. pointing out “pig parkers”. The kind of thing that strongly harkened back to Seinfeld, only taken even further because Larry was not constrained by any sense of giving a shit.

A solid lesson in not naming things after yourself when you’re a sexual predator and not especially interested in hiding it.

Martin also shares a propensity with Rowling for absolute silly cheese... it works way better in the Potterverse than it does in ASoIaF. “THIS IS HOUSE RAVENSBEAK OF CROW’S NEST, THEIR SIGIL IS A RAVEN AND THEY ALL HAVE BLACK HAIR”

I think this is right, but I think the issue some take with it is that it’s oftentimes held up as though it does have the kind of depth of other fantasy touchstones. The truth is that she couldn’t even manage to make one of the primary characters a member of a house other than Gryffindor (even when Hagrid is obviously

I have to agree with this... to kind of speak to some thoughts that were brought up in this thread, I’ve tried talking with friends about how the muggle/wizard dynamic is patently a nonsense (in the context of watching Fantastic Beasts) and been quite literally yelled at. There exist an army of 20somethings who cannot

I quite agree with this. I’m also currently going through the series as a sop to my fiance... I had read the first three when they came out but by the time of the fourth I had moved on to an obsession with video games... and I actually think the world building is one of the weakest parts. This isn’t Middle Earth or

“Look, it’s Mundungus! A guy we’ve never mentioned before who will now be a major character!”

I think that was initially a portion of it, although that play was to my understanding much more focused on British political matters. This show, as I understand it, is supposed to be a bit more Downton Abbey and a bit less heavy on things the American audience won’t know or care about. So the whole concept of the

But that was the root of the Barb thing, that she would obviously be important to her parents, to the school, to the police, etc. The show is lampshading it a lot, but it’s also responding to the entirely logical critique that Barb shouldn’t be able to just die with no consequences.  

I guess my question is, does this show need mythology? Do we really need to find out Brenner was a former Nazi or something? Can’t we just have a portal to an alternative dimension and leave it at that?

I was curious, though, how Reiser escaped prosecution when he was the guy on tape admitting to the coverup at the end of it all

I think it would be jarring as shit to jump from Profumo to Wilson being elected and seeing the Queen age decades in that time. I think they’re clearly planning a time leap, probably because the later 60's and early 70's are not especially rich areas to mine for drama compared to the Thatcher years and the collapse of

I had been hoping for a series that would go from the early to late 60's, but now I am thinking that this is going to be the early to mid 60's and then the next season will jump a full decade ahead to James Callaghan and give us the rise of Thatcher over season 3-4 along with Diana, Fergie, etc.

Gotta be honest, kinda bummed that they are going with a MacMillen/Winds of Change/JFK angle instead of jumping ahead to Harold Wilson and a Labour government.

It’s only supposed to run ~7 seasons. Based on the current timeline, with season 2 seeming to run up to 1963, I would guess that season 3 and 4 would cover the 70's and early 80's. So Helen, if she wanted it, would come in for the 90's and 00's.