Garrett Yrigoyen

I have owned more than sixteen types of headphones in my life and have demo’d way more than that. I spend my leisure time researching the newest mobile audio trends. That’s just me being super interested in something and loving it. I pair my headphones both to my mood and how closely I will be able to pay attention to

Really depends what you mean by “done.”  For instance, let’s say that a mother has a daily routine of making lunches for the kids in the morning, dropping them off at school, doing laundry and tidying things up, picking those little rascals up from school, and generally keeping things under control until she starts

I have been shot for wearing Beats by Dre.  I still wear them though.  My playlists on Tidal just sound so much better in my Beats by Dre headphones. 

Cool Jordan Peterson gif file. 

lol you’re still in the greys

Good for her. Still, her son’s situation leaves some unanswered questions.

Oh great. Another pro-Palestinian nutjob. Israel has the right to defend itself from crazy Palestinian terrorists that try to sneak into their country.

Conflicted. It’s great that Cohen got this guy to resign, but at what cost? He continues to normalize the N word and extremely racist stereotypes just like he did with Ali G, Borat, and the unbearably homophobic Bruno.  Now he’s making Israel look bad?  Just... not cool.  

I actually don’t even believe in the concept of legality to be honest.  Not since Trump won anyway. 

Why?  The Donald has gotten plenty of extremely good-looking women over his life.  Just look at Melania.  Gorgeous.  Easily the most attractive FLOTUS of all time.  

Excellent rule that really shows a commitment to the idea of equality over the reality of equality. 

Candid camera is illegal, however. 

Cohen is pretty racist in this clip too. He’s clearly goading the guy to say the word which will now be viewed and laughed at millions of times.

Go back and read my first reply to you.  Those welfare recipients in red states aren’t Trump supporters.

You are, and you are also unaware that the federal payments you’re talking about include military bases, most of which are located in red states. 

Why worry about disease and traffic accidents when their are infinite asteroids that could crash into earth at any moment? We should be securing the planet from an extinction-level event.

You are extrapolating state-level data from 2005.  Maybe take a peak at the demographics. 

I like The Bachelor better and The Bachelor in Paradise better than that tbh.

You probably did get a cold and either didn’t notice or forgot about it. But even if you didn’t that just means that had you been taking fish oil you would have been in excellent, or A+, shape instead of just “not sick.”

What an interesting thing to say.  Will consider.