I didn’t. It was just a minor cold and only sidelined me for five days. If I hadn’t been taking fish oil I would have gotten much, much sicker. The medicinal benefits of fish oil are undeniable.
I didn’t. It was just a minor cold and only sidelined me for five days. If I hadn’t been taking fish oil I would have gotten much, much sicker. The medicinal benefits of fish oil are undeniable.
Pretty weird looking apple imo.
I have been taking fish oil as a supplement for the last two months and it is definitely not a scam. My skin is better. My teeth are whiter. I had a minor cold and got over it in record time. My leg muscles are noticeably stronger. I have better hearing and a better sense of smell. My hygiene routine has improved. I…
Excuse me but the gun case she was carrying is NOT why she was killed.
No. He may just be left-handed. The salute itself is definitely an old-fashioned German one though.
Listen, everyone knows that the true path to universal equality is flooding the developed world with undeveloped people thereby flattening wages and destroying the middle class so the global aristocracy can cement their place as the eternal rulers of the world.
^White man living in Georgia asking to be saved.
His name is Kemp. Brian Kemp.
She probably just had a bad day or something.
TLDR - Kemp rulez
Are you talking about the gangster rap throwdowns that Obama used to have? Pretty sure the media only gets invited to DNC parties these days, which must be like solo cup keggers at this point. DNC is broke.
BBC is funded by the EU. BBC is actual government propaganda.
Centrist Democrats got Trump elected. Facts are facts. Those fools rigged the primary against Bern so they could run Hillary, the worst candidate of all time. They do nothing but fail. The DNC is pure failure. Pelosi - 100% failure. Corey Booker, Liz Warren, Kamala Harris... all losers. Obama was the dying light of…
Jesus, how does Whoopie Goldberg continue to get work in the pop-politics TV circuit? Who listens to her and thinks “Yeah, this is good stuff”?
What? I cut it down to exactly fourteen words at your request.
I identify as a happy man, actually.
Nationalists and Socialists must join forces if we are to achieve our common goal.
A safe space, especially as it applies to higher education, is literally begging to be kept away from information. That’s not learning. It’s ignorance.
Could have been that they had the same definition of love but different routes to get there. That seems to be a common problem these days.
Any day now Mueller will save us. I can feel it.