For rigging the Dem primary and losing to Drumpf.
For rigging the Dem primary and losing to Drumpf.
You don’t see a difference between stunted youth demanding shelter from opinions they don’t share and not being harassed in public?
Everyone knows she should be in jail. Trump supporters know this. Bernie supporters know this. Hillary and her inner circle know this.
It’s blue. But my blue is different from your blue. Your blue is pretty much my brown.
Multinational corporations are pushing for an open borders world in which they pay no tax. Nationalists oppose this. Socialists oppose this. We should join forces.
Lil Sebastian, why is it that even after I direct your attention to my comment asking David not to use the F word and also reply directly to you requesting the same that you not only continue to use the F word but actually increase your use? Cease this practice immediately.
Especially that one guy Tomatoface. Or so I hear. I actually don’t believe he’s a real person. Some say he was Putin’s personal troll. Others, a KGB instructor. Still others say he was the first internet commenter and just can’t stop playing the game. I... I want to believe he’s real. But I don’t. He’s just…
Lil Sebastian, you may have missed my reply to David. I hope you don’t miss this one. No more F word on Splinter News and that’s that.
Excuse me, David. This is Splinter News, not Jezebel. You can’t say the F word here. Please edit your comment and apologize.
You can’t see it from here, but if you really feel this way you will be voting Trump in 2020. Once he fixes trade he will fix tax evasion. Flip side of the same coin.
A pro-multinational corporation leftist shill dismissed this, so I will post it here.
I fully understand that the governments of Western Europe are at this point still complicit. America is no longer complicit. The nationalist agenda is a global one and there is obviously work left to do. Making strides in many countries though.
My reply to you is not a troll. It’s what is happening.
B-b-but I thought Trump was in it just to enrich his family?
TLDR -Blacks didn’t come out to vote for Hillary and are the reason she lost.
Global Corporate Sprawl is creating entities that are becoming governments unto themselves. They should not be able to avoid taxes and they should not be able to promote the idea of unfettered immigration from the third world as necessary and all opposition to that idea as racist. They just want debt-free cheap…
These same corporations that funnel money into tax havens to escape taxation are the ones promoting illegal immigration in the US to escape paying market wages while building a new consumer base for their own products and services based on loading up these debt-free immigrants with new credit.
Name’s Mike but you can call me reverend.
The opposite, actually. The Root is the inoffensive, accessible, and broadly appealing hook that lures your average internet browser into the network. If they stay there they probably just learn a lot of factual information like “White people caused all of my problems, yours too” and other things concerning how race…
The left can’t meme.