Garrett Yrigoyen

Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

Probably because Zuckerberg actually does good for people with his money and committed to giving it all away to charity. Oh, also, Facebook is free. He literally could charge for it but he doesn’t. He’s actually really good about giving back to the community and that includes the internet one he made just so people

How dumb do you have to be to trust a guy who has repeatedly called you and your colleagues enemies of the nation?

...And let’s be clear what “revenge” is: Forcing a 68 year-old man who earned $70 million last year to retire, probably with a huge payout.

Hamilton is a knob

At Gawker Walmart was his corporate hell example for a long time. 

I turned down a job offer to work at Bed Bath & Beyond in college because I suddenly realized right before I was going to accept the job that I probably would not enjoy working there.

Hamilton is economically illiterate, knows nothing about running a business, has no idea what it’s like to sign the front of a paycheck, and basically is useless except to write hit piece blog articles.

I had to buy some light bulbs recently so I headed over to Home Depot. Wow, what a great selection. They had every kind of light bulb you could imagine and even some you can’t. I thought I knew what I wanted, but after seeing the selection I became skeptical. There were a lot of light bulbs.

I mean this sincerely...

No Puppet You’re the puppet!

It’s a leap to say this yacht was released by someone for purely political reasons. It could have been a disgruntled marina worker pissed at the crew for something, it could have been carelessness on the part of the crew, it could have been anything. Yes, as someone who thinks the person that owns the yacht is

Question, are you in Antifa? You sound like it. Pretty funny.

Seems similar to dumping a load of tea in Boston Harbor to me.

I never saw that update! Thanks for sharing.

But we sure are looking forward to it the next time a Democrat is in the White House.  Can’t wait.  Feel so bad for being polite during Obama’s terms.

I still have recurring nightmares about the time I saw an Antifa Supersoldier murder a Starbucks window in cold blood.

I’d rather shout someone down than gun them down...

I’m proud to be on the side that’s doing vandalism, when the other side is doing concentration camps for infants.