I think we can agree on this one.
I think we can agree on this one.
Really upsetting how poorly Sarah has been treated by the left, which inludes 94% of the press pool. They just don’t realize what they’re doing here. They don’t realize just how good they have it with Sweet Sarah. The next guy is going to demonstrate, day in and day out, all the lies that same press pool produces.
Then maybe the teachers unions should stop pilfering the money given to them and let states/feds invest in the education of students instead of the teachers’ summer vacation calendar?
Honestly, how can you defend that guy? He is a billionaire scam artist that pays no tax at all. I honestly hope that he is delivered to Putin.
The welfare recipients I speak of are employment-avoiders. And they are not starving.
Sean is a great guy. Not all great guys are strong enough to face down the press pool and call them out for their lies to their faces every day. Sweet Sarah dabbled in this. Sean avoided it. The next guy is going to be a Terminator...
The thing is, we agree about the need to clean up the grifters on top. GE paying no taxes in, I think, 2014. Billionaires paying zero taxes through trust/charity accounting for their fortunes. People like Bill Browder relinquishing citizenship to escape hundreds of millions in taxes.
Sustaining tens of millions of unproductive people who go on to have loads of kids most of which are never able to escape the life their parents gave them is the exact opposite of investing in the future.
The purpose of government is to guarantee safety and a system of laws within which citizens can determine their own future. It is not to hand out free stuff so you don’t have to work.
I agree if included in the defense budget are line items like “3BN Aid to Israel.”
The Tax Policy Center is literal goal-seeking propaganda.
“For the rich”
Man that sucks. What did she do?
Nobody disagrees with those concepts. Everyone disagrees on how to fund them.
So, just because she’s a woman she has to have a “bright and cheerful disposition?” Is this a joke or satire or something? Not cool.
As a hardcore Trump supporter and novice fascist, I really support what you guys are doing on the left. Please continue to openly support socialism and keep pushing further left. This is how we win and you lose.
The lying fake news MSM propagandists will regret forcing out Sweet Sarah. They are going to get a Terminator without mercy in her place. This Terminator will produce the most viral soundbites, gif files, and internet video montages of all time, designed with a single purpose in mind: destroy the fake news…
I own you fellows every day. And you like it.
The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory is just a face-saving apology for being dead wrong about everything. A way to avoid humiliation and continue believing in the superiority of your own intellect and worldview.
Not surprised, but you guys missed the actual news to come out of this. Putin asked to “interview” Bill Browder [Hermitage Capital] and Michael McFaul - Obama’s ambassador to Moscow - in exchange for allowing #MuellerTime to observe interrogations of the 12 Russian internet trolls indicted by Rosenstein [DOJ] last…