Garrett Yrigoyen

I remember when Deadspin was edgy, relevant, and about sports. Now it just shills for the status quo.

Common sense can’t be cited. You either have it or you don’t. You don’t.  Good talk.

There are more than a few people that renounced citizenship to avoid a tax bill. Taxing assets would increase that few to “many.” Bill Browder is one example.

It would become obvious should people become curious, but there are no commenters on this collection of sites anymore. There was a time when your question would have been answered immediately, yesterday. For all intents and purposes, Univision’s acquisition of Gawker’s corpse has failed.

They must be in how to drag people into arguments they don’t care about.

You are trying to not understand.

Ok, I’m not advocating for it. I’m saying it’s a more effective way to decrease the wealth gap than raising income taxes on “high earners,” considering these “high earners” are blown out by the massive asset owners. In most cases those massive asset owners created their own wealth, something that should be rewarded to

Man, where did all the commenters go?  

Leftist propaganda machines are not dying, they are being murdered.

I will alert them immediately what dudebra on SplinterNews dot com thinks.

Why is it that if this guy was capped by another “barber” we never would have heard about it?

Apologies to anyone who read this idiotic comment of mine. I didn’t understand the timeline of events.

Nuance?  No wonder they slammed you back into the greys.

So, this dude is resisting arrest, fleeing from the officers, reaching to grab the gun he’s carrying in his waistband, and you all are trying to say that he was reaching for his gun license to, what, prove that the gun he’s reaching for is a legal concealed carry?

I am for reducing taxes in all areas, first of all. That said, insofar as “double taxation” is concerned. Sales tax would be a pretty common example of that. You’re using taxed money to pay for something at which point that money gets taxed again.

Implying tax laws can’t change.

Bernie would have won.

You gotta go back.

Meanwhile, the left is mentally-ill and digging deeper into political obscurity with every loss to Trump, which is a daily occurrence at this point.

Very few people make 1M/year+ and those that do pay loads of taxes. Many, many more people have 50 times that sitting in untaxed assets. It is these same asset-owners with zero income that advocate for higher income taxes.