Garrett Yrigoyen

Only RINOs like McCain oppose Trump and we’re better off without them. They do nothing but lose and shift blame. Meanwhile, Trump wins.

You really believe that he killed himself?  lol

she cute

Hmmm.  Ok.

Sounds like the Duke Lacrosse story.

You sound like an expert.  Can you give me some tips?

I mean no offense, fatty.  I am simply stating things as they are.

Bad Monkey up there seems a bit triggered.  I feel bad though, he is only fourteen years old.  

Assuming you are old enough to drive, which is very much in question given the level of your discourse thus far, I have a suggestion for you.

I had no idea that Rachel Dolezal had a sister.

I think you meant to reply to someone else, Bad Monkey. 

It’s one thing to be against personal attacks on someone for any reason, including their body. It’s another to pretend that being unhealthy should be celebrated or that something that is by definition abnormal is *actually* normal.

Thanks.  Uninspired trolling is a waste of time, and I’m not feeling the troll game today.  Unfortunately this seems to be a waste of time as well.

It’s not copypasta.  Thank you for the compliment though.  

When the left loses, like they do almost every single day now, they like to pretend that America loses. They conflate their own interests, many of which are explicitly anti-American, with American interests in general.

Trump Tower has the best taco bowls.

He should blog for The Root.

“Lawsuits are capitalism.”

No group on earth has done a better job of normalizing racism and Nazism than the left in America.  When everything is racist, nothing is.  When everyone is a Nazi, nobody is. 

“As a Republican who is not Republican, allow me to say...”  ----lol