Garrett Pletcher

I totally agree with you. I just read an article yesterday about The Song Machine and it sent me down a rabbit hole of pieces about Max Martin, Dr. Luke and the like. I'm hoping to read the book soon! As with all great music, there is something truly magical about a pop song with a great hook. It's fascinating to read

It's tough. Who can say? I choose to believe Rihanna is at least making an effort. And hey, if she wants to go back to making dance-club hits after this, whatever. I like those too. I think songwriting credits is a tricky subject. On one hand, if I like a song I literally don't care who wrote it. On top of that, some

If you don't care then don't waste your energy replying.

She has writing credits on every song except for one- the Tame Impala cover. I'm not here to say that Rihanna has been very involved in her albums up until this point but I do think this is the most involved she's been in a project. I think it's her first cautious step into claiming her independence as an artist.

Exactly. That's what the entirety of Shondaland is. It's wildly entertaining, often shocking, and they have great actors that carry the shows.

I feel like this would be more of an issue if this song was written by a woman in her 20s. But this was written by a teenage girl who was writing about her experiences and feelings as a teenage girl and these are pretty common feelings for teenagers in general I think. It seems a little unnecessary and over the top to

Two of the absolute worst.

As someone who grew up in a small town in the South, the father/daughter song was absolutely hilarious to me because that 'idea' of a father/daughter relationship is so prevalent. You have no idea how many of these country-I-love-my-daughter-in-an-almost-creepy-way songs I've heard in my life.

I've had the same exact experience! I spent some time this summer really exploring her music & her as a person but could never GET INTO IT as much as I wanted to. But something about this new album has definitely clicked with me! Maybe it's appealing more to my pop senses? I'm not sure but I can't get enough of it.

I don't know why people bother criticizing this show for being 'messy'. It's been messy since the 1st episode. That's part of the thrill of the show & all Shondaland shows, really.

I think they hinted to the siblings being lovers in their last scene when she was painting. Their body language & everything definitely felt more like lovers to me.

Me too but I hope they can pull it off if they choose to follow Shosh to Japan. Japanese culture is so great!

I hope it works out too. The boyfriend seems like a jerk. He couldn't give her a job before but he finds out she's moving away and suddenly he has one for her? And the whole "I think I'm going to be in love with you soon". I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He said something in the last episode too that was really

It's pretty true that almost every aspect of her life fell apart in some way but I think it's important to see how she handled those situations as opposed to how she's handled similar situations in the past. When she came home from Iowa & found Adam with another girl, she didn't mope around for weeks on end in her

That's my worry too. I was pretty upset that they didn't keep Hannah in Iowa. It felt too much like 'oh, these people are making me feel bad so I'm gonna run away' BUT she seemed to really come into her own as a substitute teacher so perhaps it was the right choice.

I suppose it was! It's weird because she's not listed on the IMDB page for the episode. I thought it looked like her but I wasn't sure.

Are you sure? I don't think that was her. But she was in Broad City's finale this past week!

That Cristina quote is one of my favorites!

But there's 6 months between that mature conversation and the last shot we see. We don't know how much Hannah has grown in that time. This entire season has been growing and stretching Hannah as a person in small ways, culminating in that conversation with Adam. In that moment, she was making a decision informed from

It's interesting that you found the pull out w/ Hannah's mom & dad hilarious because I found it sad and disturbing? I don't know. I kept thinking in a different, more serious tv show, it'd probably pull out to show they were both sitting there with a gun in their hands ready to kill themselves or something so maybe