Garrett Pletcher

I do hope we get to see Shosh in Japan AND that she stays in Japan. It could be a great move for her. (also, a part of me thought it was going to jump 6 months and show that all of them had decided to move to Japan)

In the past few seasons, there's been a lot of criticism about the girl's not growing up, not maturing and I don't know whether this season was a response to that criticism or the natural flow of the show but all the girls have grown up this season & I think this finale proved it. Every one of them had a moment to

I'm with you on that. A year and a half ago I was loving all the dark shows because I've always loved darker subjects but recently I've become so weary of them. I think we're reaching the end of the 'dark tv shows' era because they're all beginning to look the same. People die, there's an anti-hero, a bad guy that's

Yeah I'm just telling you what I read. It seems very likely that it is the case that they don't do much editing of the book.

As a wannabe published author as well, I'm always torn on GRRM. On one hand, I respect his desire to take as long as he wants on the series. I believe in allowing an artist to take their time with a project. But I also believe in have a good work ethic, especially when you're doing this thing for a living and when you

I've read elsewhere that a couple of the other books were published as few as 2 months after they were submitted. Also that the publication said if he hands in the book by September they'll have it out by the end of the year.

I feel your pain. I'm not a completist but a couple of years ago, a good friend of mine said she didn't think I'd be able to finish the whole series so now I'm reading them and I HAVE TO PROVE HER WRONG.

I finished the book a couple months back and it picked up towards the end for me. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that struggled through it. However, I've heard that the last three are really quite good so I think I'm gonna be in it for the long haul. I read one every few months or so and read other books in

Only 3 episodes? That's really disappointing. I was thinking the show would be there for the whole season, which I guess isn't logical for a show based so strongly in New York for its first 3 seasons but I liked the change of scenery. And I personally like watching Hannah interact with new people.

^^ I second this. Broad City is brilliant.

I'd never thought about that but it is strange. I think maybe it's the time of year that they film? Because they always premiere in the winter so they probably film mostly during spring/summer/maybe fall

A fun theory is that the bib was foreshadowing a 'Oedipal' storyline for Andre which, if anyone doesn't know, basically means he's going to kill his father and marry his mother. Not sure how or why that would happen but it's definitely entertaining to think about!

Agreed. That scene from Interstellar was a stand-out among many stand-out scenes. McConaughey's performance was heartbreaking.

Season 1 & 5 are my personal favorites. I don't know how well the time-jump was received when 5 first premiered but I really liked it and felt like it gave all the characters a fresh start. Season 2 & 8 I remember thinking were the weakest, though I did like the series finale. If you had asked me during Seasons 1 or

Every time I think about Glee it upsets me. The front 13 are nearly perfect. The mix of drama, quirky characters, comedy, and music was the best and I wonder all the time how the show would be if it had been able to maintain that. The rest of season 1 and most of season 2 wasn't bad either but still not as good as

Season 1 & 2 were great. I got bored with Season 3 but 4 has gotten pretty good after the first couple of episodes. I do agree with some of the things they pointed out—they use a lot of the same scare tactics, and the actor's different characters across seasons share similar personalities but I still enjoy the show.

I completely disagree about Desperate Housewives but then again I binged all 8 season on Netflix in a few months and I think when you watch a show like that, it makes it much more enjoyable because you don't notice the subtle change in quality throughout the seasons. Personally, I'm okay with that. But I loved DH.

I agree with this reviewer when he talks about the high level of micromanagement that's going on, on this album. I don't know if it's because everyone around her is trying to so hard to make her a huge star in the US or what, but it seems she has very little control over the music she makes. I think her first album is