Garrett O'Kelly

Also known as a "Lisa Marie" ?

Nah he's more like Thomas Jefferson, according to HBO's John Adams he was a better writer than director if you catch my drift.

I hope Noah Wyle doesn't go the same way.

Oh Jesus Tap Dancin' Christ.

I've played it first on PS2, but a glitch in the game stopped me from proceeding about halfway through. Then I played the PC version years later. Then I bought a Gamecube for $15 and played the Gamecube Version. Then I bought a Wii later on and played the Wii version. Even though I played through on all these other

Oh it must have been fun walking down those ridiculously long country paths in the middle of the game.

It's similar to the mechanic from RE1-3 where you combine items together to make keys and shit, so I figured it out pretty quick.


of course if you don't buy the TMP, then you will get more ammo for your other weapons, or more gold to upgrade them.

God, I just got Goosebumps all over me thinking about the stress of finding some corner to stand in and switch around all my items. Damn that was nerve wracking.

Why bother with a sniper rifle when you can just walk up to them and slash them with the knife, then do a quick melee kick? Then while they're on the ground you pump them full of handgun ammo. When they try to attack again, one shotgun round does them in at that stage. At least that's my strategy with the hooded guys

Eastern European Merchants, even when you infect them with a Blood Thirsty Parasite and turn them into a Zombie they are still out to make a buck.

Obviously he got by on his Spanish Charm.

You had to dislodge a boulder from a Volcano or some shit, while your partner tries to fend off the boss on the other side of the lake of lava with whatever paltry ammo you equipped her with. The key was to run all the way up to the boulder as soon as the battle started and start moving it, and not let the Wesker

We always used to call him Good Ol' Fuck Smolder

I don't actually ever recall them mentioning in the novel whether the hotel was built on an ancient Indian Burial Ground, but then again I don't remember them mentioning that in The Shining Movie, although I do remember all the Native American crap on the walls.

In the novel, a Deputy is murdered much more graphically upon discovering the writer trapped in the room, but he is only introduced in that scene and isn't given any personality. Much more frustrating in the film.

No, Stanley Kubrick was just a prick. Although he DID improve the ending to A Clockwork Orange…

It probably sure helps that the cliffhanger ending of the series finale gives them a lot of wiggle room with who returns or not, I mean, wasn't half the cast in mortal peril before the end credits rolled?

I was 11 and I couldn't get enough. I finished the book in 10 days (8 of them school days.