50 First Butt-Fucks (Adam Sandler gets sodomized, forgets about it, gets sodomized again)
50 First Butt-Fucks (Adam Sandler gets sodomized, forgets about it, gets sodomized again)
When I got the DVD MY Eyes were certainly opened.
Oz bitches
But can we still use death and murder as metaphors? That's all I care about. And what about Consensual Sodomy as a metaphor? Like, it's painful but that's what you signed up for?
Melissa McCarthy will probably shit her jumpsuit while they're driving the Ecto-1 and have to Ghost Bust with Shitty Drawers. Just a guess.
and they'll call him "Bill Ghostbustin', Groundhog Day-ass Murray!"
The Opening Credits? But that was my Dad's Favorite part of the Movie, worth it seeing it on the Big Screen!
I'm all for Affleck, but you gotta admit, saying "I'm a Ben Affleck Fan" has about the same ring to it as when one of the Bobs in Office Space declared, "You know, I have to admit, I'm a Michael Bolton FAN."
Ah, the ol' "Play the Human Torch for Fox and parlay that into playing something more Distinctive for Marvel Studios" Gambit.
Well it looks like he'll have the time. No wife and all, maybe he's planning on diving into work instead of the Bottle?
Madonna as Harley Quinn? That… actually makes sense.
Remember Val Kilmer's Lips? Also had the effect that SOMEONE will always recognize Val Kilmer on the street as Batman, even as he goes Full Brando these days.
That's what happens when Shady Foreign Businessmen are the Producers of your Franchise. The guys who paid Marlon Brando 5 million smackers to mumble in two scenes.
Michael Sheen as Egghead!
C'mon, I don't believe women should take the last name of their husband, but what's THAT fucker's kid supposed to do when he Braxton gets married and HIS wife insists that their kid have a hyphenated name? Joey Jacob-Jingleheimer-Gaught-Wood?
Upvoted for The Commish. The Man just needed a pen.
Probably thinks that people over the age of 30 should look like Richard Dreyfuss did at that age. But not everybody does that much blow.
He was a British actor, how the hell can you say he looked young? Dude looked like a boring Private School Professor.
weren't there rumors that he was fired after shooting finished?
well, the critics love the MCU movies and so do the audiences. Maybe that's his assumption here.