Garrett O'Kelly

How much do you wanna bet that Marvel saw that figure and decided to get into the Chris Evans business? Because I'm pretty sure that they way The Human Torch was presented in the trailer is half the reason anyone (including me and all my friends) went to see that turd.

I read that as "I liked Trotsky" and got really confused there for a sec.

They know what Studio Heads are really after: Head.

So… The Blacktastic 4 then? (kidding)

"Today President Obama is traveling to Latveria to have a sit down with Chancellor DOOM, to discuss the latter's plans to 'Rule the World.' We'll have video for you at 5o'clock"

I THOUGHT that Quicksilver did kinda come outta nowhere in that movie, considering he's NEVER been mentioned in any other XMen film.

Fans of Chris O'Donnell, no doubt.

No he just finds ALL of those movies better than Spiderman 2, which people often claim is "The Best" He proves his point by giving examples of work he feels are superior to Sam Raimi's flick.

yup, I'd take just about ANY one of those flicks over Tobey Maguire doing his impression of Tom Hanks in Big. (Anybody else get serious "11 year old trapped in a man's body" vibes from that dude? Just me?)

But "Best Superhero Movie" is akin to saying "Healthiest Fast Food Drive-Thru"

…yeah, that's about right. (kinda hate them all, though. Tobey Maguire will always be the weirdo from Pleasantville and Wonder Boys to me, not a hero type at all)

And in a twist: The Punisher gets his name from the Babysitter he had as a kid, who was constantly giving him time-outs and telling him to go stand in the corner and think about what he did.

"… I don't recall telling you to do that."

Man, if I were Ben Grimm, I'd be BEGGING Reed Richards to research a way for me to end it all, because being a Rock Monster sounds about as fun a life as being a Walking Pile of Dog Shit Soup.

I don't know about child abuse, doesn't the perp have to actually be an adult for it to be child abuse? If your older brother beats you up as a kid, that's just plain ol' Abuse.

stop with the 70's political thrillers description of Winter Soldier. It was an action movie with thriller elements at best. I don't remember Heli-Carriers being taken out by a single dude with a shield in Three Days of the Condor…

Yeah, if I got the Arabian Knights Market Thief Treatment, I'd probably hope to just get my head lopped off as well. My hands are my livelihood.

Where's Jabba's knob though? Was Salacious Crumb actually Jabba's junk?

I actually thought the "Testicle with Teeth" was pretty apt, though.

I'd like to see David Cronenberg's take on Swamp Thing. or Xmen.