You never saw Billy Elliot?!?!?
You never saw Billy Elliot?!?!?
I'll allow Halloween II and III, but GodDAMN, were Halloweens 4-8 abysmal.
That subplot was REALLY messy, because it's fucking Freddy Krueger, he makes Jason and Michael Myers look sympathetic.
sorry to come in so damn late but Goggins was who I pictured in the first book, in later books I tried valiantly but just could not get Jamey Sheridan from The Stand Miniseries outta my head. Damn you, ABC!
In a lot of the artwork Roland is a dead ringer for Hugh Jackman. He would knock the Rice Dance outta the park at least.
The best part about The Dark Tower is how each volume having been written years apart with no formal planning outside of the ending really gives you a diverse group of books to plow through. Fuck, the 5th book is so insane halfway through it basically stops the narrative for 75 pages to become a belated sequel to…
Just try out the first two, on the basis that you have the perfect excuse not to finish the series at that point, because the series peaks near the end of the 2nd book and takes the most gradual decline after that it isn't even noticeable until Book 5, it's quite remarkable that way.
The Drawing of the Three almost…
but it's my BDAY!
Well, the TV sized budgets kind of fucked those up. The Stand feels like the world's biggest soundstage instead of America. The Langoliers suffers from HP Lovecraft syndrome, that on the page you describe the monsterous threat as hideous and unfathomable so when you make a tv movie out of it the monsters become… Shit…
Especially since the best parts of LOST were inspired by The Dark Tower and The Stand, which is to say: the characters hanging out in the woods while weird shit happens.
the character is Patrick Danville, a young man about 20 or so who has his tongue eaten by a creature that could be Pennywise the Clown's (from IT) Cousin or something. He is only mentioned in about 3 paragraphs near the end of Insomnia (1994), a 700 page book that mostly has nothing to do with the Dark Tower, except…
But Stevie's almost 70, and the King that appears in the book is the Stephen King from 1977 and 1999, age 30 and 52, respectively.
Actually the first chapter of The Gunslinger dates back even further, he published it as a short story in a science fiction magazine in the mid 70's. Took him about 7 years to finish that first novel because he originally just saw it as a goof to amuse himself.
Aw, but January 13 2017 will be my 30th birthday, and it would be perfect for me to once again venture out to the theater to see a mediocre January Release!
"Hey, Dickskin!"
I'm late to this but yeah, what I really liked about the shootout was how John Carter looked comfortable/in his element for the first time all season, shooting shit and getting shot at. Guy would rather have a bullet coming at him than a cock, strange cat.
Hannibal is dogshit. Smelly, stinky, graphic dogshit.
I think that since it's been almost 50 years since it came out, it should get Honorary LP status because no one remembers that the 2nd side were all recent singles.
Within You Without You is a fucking endurance test. It's nice background, but barely a song. Goddamn Indian music with their one chord songs. And Being For the Benefit of Mr Kite? Even Lennon said it was filler, and it seems just like an experiment in sampling. Lucy isn't that great after you've heard more than a half…